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Keeping my foreskin back permanently

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #415288 [Ignore] 09,Aug,13 13:33
Hey there. I got a problem. Since I'm uncut, and i would love to be able to keep my foreskin back without cutting it, I tried to do so. But few problems occurred: my head skin got dry, and i feel a little bit pain in my legs musseles. I would appreciate few advices. or tell some new technique to keep it permanently retracted. Thanks..

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Similar topics: 1.Keeping your foreskin back   2.Keeping my foreskin back.   3.Would you like a group about keeping your foreskin back?   4.Permanently retracted foreskin   5.Permanent foreskin retraction  

By #285354 16,Aug,13 20:08
Either you want it and enjoy it for what it does or you should make an appointment to have yourself circumcised.

By bigone21 [Ignore] 16,Aug,13 17:54 other posts 
@ virus:

that's why you have a foreskin, to protect the head from getting dry. that's all there is to it!

By bigguy [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 07:53 other posts 
I'm not going to say anything other than about myself. I was cut when I was a small baby so as far as i'm concerned I was born without foreskin "as it's called". I never knew of it so personally I don't miss it. I guess you could say I was cut loose because when flaccid I can use the skin to cover the head but naturally it won't stay totally covered.
This leads to 2 points brought up, one being about dry rough skin on the head, well I don't know if it's because i'm doing something right or someone else is doing something wrong but I have never experienced that problem, this thing has always been smooth as a babies butt from one end to the other. Now the issue of sensitivity, let me put it this way, if this damn thing would be any more sensitive than it is I would have trouble holding it to piss. My gf knows exactly what to do to help work around this,she gets me ready for a long session by gradually working a little of the sensitivity out by using her **** method And let me tell you one thing she is GOOD!!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Damn they won't let you write s e c r e t e on here what the shit!!!

By #137412 11,Aug,13 14:24
If I want to keep my foreskin back all the time I sort of tuck it back under itself, as in this picture. In this way it stays retracted even when flaccid. It works for me, but then everyone is different.

[deleted image]

By BearBen_SYD [Ignore] 10,Aug,13 00:33 other posts 
Nothing to add to your "problem" - unless you've got a medical condition...up to you. Shame about your pain. Seems perfectly fine from this side of the world!!

By pifad [Ignore] 09,Aug,13 16:37 other posts 
Sent yo a PM

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