My cock is too short. Abouth 6 inches i wish was longer to better penetrate when i fuck,, is there any way to make it longer? I tryed few things but nothing seem to work to make it longer is still same size it was
I shave my pubic hair to make it ,look longer. But i wish i could add few inches, i had guys cocks that were 8 or 9 inches and they looked great. Wish i could make mine like that
1. Climb up on to the roof.
2. Tie one end of a strong, six foot long rope to your penis.
3. Tie the other end of the rope, very tightly, to a five pound brick.
4. Brace yourself, and toss the brick over the side of the roof.
5. Haul the brick back up and repeat the tossing process as needed.
The end of your dick will be far away from you in no time!
Good luck!
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