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Orgasm strength and noise? Is there are a relevance?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #301038 [Ignore] 03,Nov,13 16:11
Does it make a difference if you have a silent orgasm or a loud one? Does it feel the same?

For me, I feel like it is a bit stronger when I don't have to be silent. What about you?

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By #566722 09,Sep,18 09:12
When solo I cum I start to breath heavy and sometimes I let a few silent moans as orgasm vawe hits me.

By #463848 17,Jun,18 03:24
Never make a noise when solo but may say a few words

By #485312 16,Jun,18 22:31
[deleted image][deleted image]
l don't get to hear aussieman much, but when he does moan, l know it will make his top ten fucks and orgasms *lix*

By #546418 11,Apr,18 17:28
I would assume it depends on the person, some are more vocal than others. Most of my most powerful orgasms I've been silent or very quiet. Though I'm usually slightly louder the better the orgasm, but I'm just naturally not vocal when I'm fucking.

By #553253 11,Apr,18 17:22
First time I was fucked, I was quite vocal...my girl was impressed, her girlfriend helped hold me down!

By #553294 29,Mar,18 02:21
I don't know, as mine are always really intense.

I've always moaned during the waves of pleasure, and I often let out a bit of a scream during the final peak. Been that way since I discovered masturbation back when I was 5. I have to concentrate to NOT make noise.

Over the decades, numerous female partners have told me that I'm more "into it" than other guys they've slept with.
By #485312 30,Mar,18 05:26
every orgasm has its own flavour and intensity, and l do like to let it go and be as noisy as l like, but sometimes an orgasm can be just as good being quiet and slow.. for the most part being able to go with it make as much noise as you want is a great feeling and know that your partner is enjoying it just as much as you means a lot too.. aussie doesn't make much noise, but he does, you know he's in the zone and it will make his top list *lix*

By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 11:57 other posts 
My dick has always been silent when I have an orgasm. Does yours make a loud, trumpet sound when it shoots or something like that?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 12:15 other posts 

By cumjohn [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 09:48 other posts 
I like to shout when cumming. Makes orgasm feel more powerful and intense.

By #463848 05,Mar,18 03:55
I have never made artificial noises when having an orgasm although I will sometimes make a comment to myself about the feeling. Most of my orgasms are silent and are no worse for being so.

By #176255 04,Nov,13 11:03
My orgasms are pretty much never ending and I find it almost impossible to keep quiet xx

By #201155 04,Nov,13 11:01
I like to be free to make a noise when I cum – even if I am masturbating entirely on my own. This video will give you an idea of what I sound like!

[deleted image]

By #6568 04,Nov,13 05:37
There is a strong link between focibly breathing out/shouts/grunts and enhancement of muscular tension and sensation....the martial arts teach this along with many other physical regimens so it's entirely possible and normal that grunting and exhaling forcibly during orgasm increases the 'release' and other sensations considerably.

By #358797 03,Nov,13 16:30
My orgasms are strong either way, but I think it depends on how turned on I am before orgasm strikes.

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