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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #409915 [Ignore] 02,Dec,13 15:52
Has anyone else noticed that pics are posted with the watermark saying "shotitoff.org"

what is this all about?

It's a completely different site but I assume owned by the same people. It's pretty similar to SYD/SYC.

Has showitoff.org been around for a while now ?

Does anyone have any info on this ?

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Similar topics: 1.Admin, explain the "showitoff" site please..   2.What is the diffrenence between ShowItoff and Showyourdick?   3.Chat on showitoff   4.Looking for more sites like showitoff   5.Largest cocks of Showitoff.org  

By #137050 19,Dec,13 16:36
I have had a look at showitoff.org and find it hard to use.

The way I browse SYD is by going into the archive so I can see the latest pics posted, can not seem to find the same option on SIO.

By #7976 03,Dec,13 18:41
Question for admin... If I add a favorite or comment on SYC, is it automatically added to SIO?

By #7976 03,Dec,13 17:23
I found that I too am on this new site. I don't mind that Admin is experimenting on ways to make the site better however, I would very much have liked to have been notified in advance and given the choice to opt out.

As it is, I'm OK with being part of the experiment but in the future, would like to be appraised of these experiments before finding out that my information is being exposed on other sites.

I hope this works to make the site better and less regulated by censorship apps.


By #201155 03,Dec,13 13:07
I can't say I had noticed, but now that you have mentioned it I've checked it out and yes, it's plainly the same site under an additional URL. It works for me, though – the more places I get to be seen naked, erect, masturbating and wearing women's panties and other underwear the better

By _avg_ [Ignore] 02,Dec,13 20:26 other posts 
You should know, you're a member...
http //showitoff org/member.php?w=409915

My guess is, Admin is trying to use a different domain to try to continue to derive search results from Google, whom he's stated are no longer directing people to (obvious) porn sites.

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