Started by #409915 [Ignore] 02,Dec,13 15:52
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Admin, explain the "showitoff" site please.. 2.What is the diffrenence between ShowItoff and Showyourdick? 3.Chat on showitoff 4.Looking for more sites like showitoff 5.Largest cocks of Comments: |
The way I browse SYD is by going into the archive so I can see the latest pics posted, can not seem to find the same option on SIO.
As it is, I'm OK with being part of the experiment but in the future, would like to be appraised of these experiments before finding out that my information is being exposed on other sites.
I hope this works to make the site better and less regulated by censorship apps.
http //showitoff org/member.php?w=409915
My guess is, Admin is trying to use a different domain to try to continue to derive search results from Google, whom he's stated are no longer directing people to (obvious) porn sites.
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