| As one of the members pointed out, there is a significant difference how gay/bi females are perceived vs gay/bi males.
"I will give you this scenario: if I'm at a party and two girls start making out and get to groping and are going hot and heavy,a crowd of guys would form and be all into it with a lot of hooting and hollering. If I'm at this same party and two guys started doing the same they would probably be thrown out, maybe physically. Not saying this is right but this is probably how it'd go."
Any idea why there is such a difference in perception. IMO, this perception might be the cause of the problem, when it comes to "straight cocksuckers" or "het males, who like to have sex with other males", who can't admit that they are at least bi.
Did anyone witnessed a "straight" female, who liked pussy, but would get into fights for being considered "bi"? Anyone? |
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