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Frenulum cutting/tying

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #321462 [Ignore] 02,Jan,14 07:41
Hey Guys,

My frenulum is a bit tight and I would like to keep my foreskin retracted. So guys, have any of you cut or tied your frenulum yourself. Would appreciate some feedback from actual experiences.


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Similar topics: 1.Show your frenulum   2.Guys who've had their frenulums cut/removed as adults?   3.Frenulum   4.Frenulum fetish   5.Cutting your frenulum on purpose.  

By Emerald [Ignore] 03,Jan,14 23:27 other posts 
I am not sure that my story counts, but I'll give it a shot:

In my early twenties, I was stuck at university, and would do practically anything to avoid studying. Such as going for a walk in the mountains. It being summer, I could think of no reason to wear clothes, so I wasn't. I had found a tree which split at just the right height, and would pull my foreskin back quite firmly when I put my cock in the crack and leaned on it. Taking advantage of this, I was spanking my denuded cock with a twig. This is all perfectly, um, normal... right?

I discovered that slapping the offending cock from underneath was more effective, as the twig would hit the tightly strained frenulum, causing all kinds of interesting sensations. I might have got a little carried away, but it was definitely worth it!

Not surprisingly, the frenulum ended up being a bit sore for a few days, a fact I was brutally reminded of every time I peed. Also, I discovered that the foreskin would no longer pull back until it lay smooth along the shaft (which I had always been able to do before), as the frenulum had shortened just a little.

This excited me greatly, and I pulled out a wooden board which just happened to have a hole precisely the right size to grip my cock and pull the skin back tightly when I lay on top of it. I may have gained a few pounds since then, but gravity was still very effective. As I was enjoying the feeling, all of a sudden I felt a little pop, and sank a fraction of an inch deeper into the hole.

There's a smiley here that pretty much describes my reaction:

As it turned out, the frenulum had torn just a little bit, causing a tiny cut. It didn't hurt much (except for being sore for another couple of days), and there was no ****. When it had healed, the cut was practically invisible, and the skin would once again pull back all the way.

I don't think I'd recommend this way of cutting the frenulum, as you have no control of the depth of the resulting cut. On the other hand, a friend of mine had his too-short frenulum cut by a doctor, and despite a numbing cream being used, he described it as the most painful thing he had ever done. I think a few weeks of persistent, gentle stretching would be a better solution.

This turned out awfully long, didn't it? Sorry about that, and best of luck!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Um, do you see the **** bit up there, too? I do believe I got censored. I simply meant to say that my wood did not leak any of the red sap. Which is a good thing, right?

By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 03,Jan,14 19:29 other posts 
I tied mine, twice! It was really easy and I'm very pleased with the results.

I put my story on the Frenulumtying yahoo group. Have a search for it (I can't link it here).

By slipper [Ignore] 02,Jan,14 20:27 other posts 

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