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March 14th

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 00:58  other posts
I've known about this date for a few years now, but it seems whenever I bring it up with friends no one knows what it is. So since it's close to Valentines Day I thought I might spread the word a bit.... March 14th is steak and BJ day. The idea behind it is a lady (or man for that matter) gets a little bit spoilt on V Day and then a month later she/he gets to return the favour and show appreciation to the other.

Now I'm not one to fall for any commercialisation of any event and if there is love involved it should be celebrated everyday, not just one day a year.

There is an official website and everything you want to google it, I just thought I'd spread the word for this and help make it a less boring day and hopefully a few more happy blokes out there!!

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By #363802 09,Mar,17 20:33
I would LOVE to be a woman on that day!

By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 08,Mar,17 22:58 other posts 
It's almost that time of year again!!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Mar,17 17:28 other posts 

By spermkiss [Ignore] 14,Mar,16 11:31 other posts 
It's kinda interesting in that the first time I read your item I read it as "...March 14th is STREAK and BJ day." That seemed to make sense since the middle of March is when we generally start having mild weather. A gentleman could run naked thru some public place and then get rewarded with a BJ from his lady (or gentleman) friend for having done that. Upon reading the rest of your post I re-read that sentence and realized my error.

But my reading also works. Every SYD member should do some streaking today.

By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 14,Mar,16 02:56 other posts 

By #443664 14,Feb,14 18:17
Usually look forward to that, but this year it's gonna be more burger and wank than steak and BJ for me
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 14,Feb,14 18:28 other posts 
Oh that sucks. or doesn't suck for that matter.

By #446351 14,Feb,14 06:34
mmmmm steak, mmmmmm bj. Put them both together and you've the ultimate combo.
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 14,Feb,14 10:42 other posts 
That's what I thought too.

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 07:53 other posts 
Hmmmmm.......March 14th, sounds like a 3 day head start to St. Patrick's Day!
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 21:00 other posts 
It could be used as that I guess, haha.
By pifad [Ignore] 14,Feb,14 01:30 other posts 
I like how you think bella

By #443161 13,Feb,14 20:04
cummon, everyone knows this is pi day
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 21:05 other posts 
I didn't know that it was pi day. However when you google March 14th steak and BJ day pops up first. Maybe you need to spread the word for this day also. Make it steak, bj and pi day for everyone....

By #430256 13,Feb,14 03:58
every day is bj day
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 06:46 other posts 
Everyday should be.
By #430256 13,Feb,14 06:57
u know how to reach me babe
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 07:16 other posts 
Haha, do I?

By Cutewilly [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 03:40 other posts 
Strange how the shops don't advertise this day with 'Special Offers' and grand displays, isn't it....?
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 06:47 other posts 
Yeah I find that strange too. Haha

By #363744 13,Feb,14 03:53
this holiday seems to be gathering steam!
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 06:46 other posts 
I hope so.

By pifad [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 06:17 other posts 
Ha ha ha! Who makes this shit up?
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 06:46 other posts 
A lonely guy trying to find some lovin' after Valentines Day maybe ???

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 03:15 other posts 
nice to know I will celebrate
By #68656 13,Feb,14 03:52
Dear Mr. Kmad.
While I will personally not be concerning myself with the March 14th event it is noteworthy that four days later another event will be due.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 13,Feb,14 05:18 other posts 
Oh yeah, my dearest Mate! the March 14th should be for me like a bit of warming only, just to be ready for our real Feast 4 days later!

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