| When I was a **** my father during the Summer months never wore underpants under his shorts, he would sit with his legs spread with his large cock clearly visible for all to see, do you think he realised and this turned him on, never saw him fully erect, but partly for sure. Maybe he was just free balling and didn't know we could see his cock, but I'm pretty sure he must have known. I love free balling but I make sure everything tucked in. Anybody else's Dad do this, or anybody else "hangout" of their shorts deliberately. Must admit it didn't worry me seeing Dads cock, it was pretty impressive. |
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Never saw my Dad hard or even semi - but he was quite impressive soft & hanging. Saw him in the shower at the beach, too. I suppose most boys see their Dad naked while they are growing up. But hanging out of his shorts, no.
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If there's anything I've learned on SYD it's that people love cocks!!
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