| The imbalance in breast size is a result of which hand a woman masturbates with. If she uses her right hand, the upper arm presses against the titty on that side, compresses the breast, and makes it smaller. Left handed women cause the same result on the other side.
Men do not find this comical.
They just pay more attention to the bigger tit.
There is no need to try to make the boobies symmetrical, because any guy looking at them is just thinking: "Wow! She is showing me her tits! How fuckin' cool is that?"*
*Justwill is NOT a Jungian psychologist, nor is he a Yoga Master (although he does a pretty good Yogi Bear impression).
He DOES, however, know a bit about how the brain works and human biology/anatomy. He greatly enjoys poking a stick at the occasional pompous windbag. |
I remember that there was a whack-a-do who posted that he was some kind of masturbation/yoga therapist, and claimed that a curve in a guy's dingus was caused by which hand they beat-off with. Apparently, he was offering to supervise guys while they wanked to help them "cure" their curve.
The guy was an idiot, so I poked a stick at him.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
Also, does anyone here remeber DrGyno (member 57759)?
THAT guy was a puddle of stoopid if I ever saw one. He claimed to be an expert on women, but was actually totally clueless about them.
(For an example, read the post he left in this very thread.)
Sometimes, stupid can be like a fingerprint...
I just couldn't help myself. This is funny. I'll say one thing about you, JustWill, you have a funny bone
I'm just going to leave it up to the ladies to jump in your shit about the "women do not masturbate" part.
(But damn,Doc-- for a gyno, you sure don't know much about women-folk.)
BIBLE people like to stick "eth"s and "est"s on the end of words...
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