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How many girls have you fucked

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Started by #464196 [Ignore] 19,Jul,14 19:13
How old are you

How many girls you slept with

Oral doesn't count

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By #332336 23,Jul,14 08:42
I'm 67, have kept a written record all my life of every woman, her name and vitals.
47 to date, 22 white, 20 black, 4 latin, 1 Pakistani. Still looking to nail some asian pussy. But I was married 25 years to my first wife and didn't fuck anyone but her. Set me back a little. 3 more and I hit 50, that will be enough.

By #464196 20,Jul,14 18:35
Hmm bit surprised at the numbers, seems to be either "under 10" or "lots"

Anyway I'm 31 been with about 90
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 16:15 other posts 
Probably because there's some surprising honesty, and some, possibly, unsurprising dishonesty, in the answers given.
By #464196 21,Jul,14 18:58
I doubt any ones being dishonest, a lot of guys can't understand how a guy could have such high numbers, other guys can't understand how a guy could have such low numbers.

To some getting fresh women is a pretty serious hobby, they go out talk to girls, maybe internet date, and they get good at it and get to a point getting fresh women isn't a big deal, add them up over time you.end up with a lot of women.

If you are on 3 you are not one of these guys
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 22,Jul,14 16:34 other posts 
Of course, I'm aware of that. But it's naive to expect everyone to tell the truth here.

By #1047 22,Jul,14 09:14
39 and i have slept with 4 women

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 22,Jul,14 01:13 other posts 
63__three women___no sex in 16 years

By #251613 22,Jul,14 00:17
Age 21, 13 chicks

By #467057 21,Jul,14 23:37
I'm 21 and about 12-15 girls I can say. I'm not a big fan of relationships an staying with someone. At one point it was 1 every weekend then went out with another for two years

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 16:17 other posts 
I'm 37, 3 women.

By #143536 21,Jul,14 16:06
I'm 36
4 girls
Countless oral, foreplay,Etc.

By naked-porn [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 15:37 other posts 
I'm 48. I have fucked 5 girls (1 only one night). I can add another woman only for oral sex.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 08:52 other posts 
I beg to differ! ORAL COUNTS! And so does foreplay and afterplay and handjobs, etc.

Whatever works, whatever makes you feel good, does count!

After all, I know women who can orgasm only with finger play.

Who else agrees with my remarks???

By #467242 21,Jul,14 08:36
I think the universal answer is: NOT ENOUGH.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Jul,14 08:51 other posts 
I agree!

By #455846 21,Jul,14 06:54

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,14 23:31 other posts 
Oral DOES count!

By #358581 20,Jul,14 07:57
im 18 and had sex with 0 girls
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Jul,14 22:43 other posts 
How many guys?

By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Jul,14 22:42 other posts 
Seventy-one years old.

Fucked three women, also did oral with one of those three.

Fucked and/or been fucked by hundreds of men, far too many to count. If you add oral to the tally it's in the thousands.

By #64328 20,Jul,14 19:38
Over 50 but less than 100....maybe less than 75

By #316057 20,Jul,14 15:54
So many lost count

By #395290 20,Jul,14 15:45

By #450957 20,Jul,14 08:33
58 7

By #447598 20,Jul,14 02:35
I am 24.

And my number is 2, though almost 3.. just came in my condom as my cock was rubbing against her pussy before I could thrust in.. *blush*

By #346376 19,Jul,14 19:55
Now I'm 31. My first time was when I 20 year-old, until now I slept with 5 girls and 1 shemale.

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