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What super power you wish you could have

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by iowaguy [Ignore] 26,Jul,14 14:08  other posts
I know lame question, but if you could choose any super power what would it be? Mine would be to fly, but the pervert in me wins out and I'd go for X-Ray vision

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By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 04,Jul,17 00:12 other posts 
to have the ability to see though clothing & too know what someone is thinking!

By #527431 03,Jul,17 15:35

By #220845 03,Jul,17 15:16

By #487013 03,Jul,17 11:12
The ability to refill anything with whatever I want, like my fridge with food and my wallet with money. Id also like to have invisibility, to be able to teleport, and to freeze people or time. I'd have so much fun farting on the people I **** pillows.

By #275407 03,Jul,17 00:31
The power to not masterbate everyday would be great for me. It really wears me out. Lol

By #537175 02,Jul,17 06:49
Most definitely being invisible , could stand next to all the hot guys pissing and jerking at urinals and only become visible if I could hookup
By #536760 02,Jul,17 23:13
Yea I'm with you. (you just can't see me)

By #147052 05,Apr,17 10:21
Photographic x-ray eyes so I could show the world what a small dicked asshole trump is.
By #454258 02,Jul,17 01:14
we dont speck of politics here. this is a happy place

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 06,Apr,17 10:26 other posts 
I would want to be able to know if a girl or a guy was desiring me right then

By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Jul,14 17:31 other posts 
For me it would be the power to look at a girl i like and make her want to be fucked by me. To have the power to do that would be great!
By iowaguy [Ignore] 26,Jul,14 19:08 other posts 
I really like the way you think my friend
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Jul,14 02:24 other posts 
By #303133 27,Jul,14 18:50
Have you ever noticed how many of your comments are a bit rapish?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Aug,14 03:11 other posts 
I don't understand what rapish means.
By #485312 01,Aug,16 07:36
rapey, like wanting to ra.pe girls, you want the Casanovas touch l think, having your way with girls is a far cry from violating them *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Aug,16 11:29 other posts 
Exactly. I said "I'd like her to want to be fucked by me" meaning that I'd like her to agree to sex. And when I said "power" I meant convincing power. That's extremely different from for_cing someone to have sex. In fact, I ha.te having sex with someone who's not interested and excited about it. So the word "rapish" not only doesn't apply to me but I actually detest it.
By #485312 02,Aug,16 08:09
Yeah l don't drag any one into the sack, if they don't want it, theres always someone else that will..not shortage of victims lol, *lix*
By #502711 04,Apr,17 05:48
People with alot of money usually have that power
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Apr,17 06:42 other posts 
Good observation. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of money so for me that would still be a superpower.
By #502711 05,Apr,17 04:53
Could rob a bank. Though if you get caught it could have the reverse affect. All the guys in jail would want to fuck you
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Apr,17 05:23 other posts 
That's right!

By #502711 04,Apr,17 05:47
Is being a Saiyan count as a super power?

By #529867 02,Apr,17 05:52
x-men's Mystique level shapeshifting, please

By #454258 02,Apr,17 05:07
eather shapshifting or rapid healing

By #85103 26,Jul,14 17:52
Hmmm..... I think it would have to be either flight or invisibility
By iowaguy [Ignore] 26,Jul,14 19:08 other posts 
Invisibility would be a lot of fun grabbing people in showers be a bitch crossing the street though
By Leilani [Ignore] 02,Aug,16 13:02 other posts 
Flying would be great.

By #510842 01,Aug,16 21:47
The pervert side of me says invisibility, being able to sneak into locker rooms and the like (both female and male) and oogle to my hearts content would be fun .
The practical side of me on the other hand would have to say teleportation. Completely eliminate the need for any form of transportation and be able to instantly be wherever you need to be.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 01,Aug,16 11:54 other posts 
Absolutely perfect gaydar.

Yes, as a gay man I have pretty good gaydar, as do most gay men. As the old expression goes, one gay can always spot another. But it's not perfect. I've been wrong both ways.

In thinking that a straight man was gay has led to minor embarrassment at times (for both of us). But even worse was not having even the foggiest notion that a man was gay and that HE WAS INTERESTED IN ME, has meant that I've missed out on what might have been really hot sexual encounters. Oh well.

By #494374 01,Aug,16 10:55
To stop the aging process

By #447598 27,Jul,14 02:28
Shapeshifting. :3
By #485312 01,Aug,16 10:35
now that's a handy power to have *lix*

By Sickboy [Ignore] 30,Jul,14 17:28 other posts 
To control Time!...imagine the things you could do!
By #292697 31,Jul,14 10:23
O ya

By #292697 31,Jul,14 10:23
The perverted part of me would love X-ray vision but to fly would b great

By stroker11 [Ignore] 30,Jul,14 13:09 other posts 
Painless flexibility to get in any position including total cock and ball selfsucking with unlimited erection and sweet cum production! Is that asking for too much?

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 30,Jul,14 11:00 other posts 
snap my fingers for an instant erection

By Gary5 [Ignore] 30,Jul,14 10:35 other posts 
Well, re the pervert option, mine was always to be able to fix my gaze on a nice looking bod, male or female, and cause them to get aroused and cum, without their control - would be a handy skill, that.

By #468537 30,Jul,14 08:19
I would like to stretch. You could get into so many small places and expand accordingly. Imagine what you could with your Balls! Hot!

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 28,Jul,14 20:22 other posts 
I think maybe the power to turn solid objects into liquid objects and liquid objects into solid ones instantly.

By #346376 27,Jul,14 15:18
^.^ If my cum has addiction effect, should be fun trying to conquer the world with this ability.

By #466936 27,Jul,14 12:15
To avoid the orgasm as long as I want, and to hold the orgasm as long as I want.

By #358797 27,Jul,14 02:29
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Jul,14 07:33 other posts 
I didn't know you wanted to come to my bedroom so fast. Thanks. I appreciate that. Now, in the absence of science fiction, the best way to come to me is by buying a ticket, so I'll get you one for your birthday or for the next time you feel horny--whichever comes first.

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