I really don't think I am a mug or an idiot,,,,,,and I don't suffer from "Penis envy",,,,,,,,,,,but honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,why do so many guys either lie,,,,or bullshit when it comes to posting pics of their manhood.
Come on,,,,give us a break,,,,,,we are all here to look at dicks, but not bullshit.
Obviously there are many guys that are well endowed in the dick department,,,,,and just as obvious, there are many that would like to be "well endowed" but are not and choose to either "Photoshop" their pics or post pics that have been collected from other internet sources.
There seems to be a very large amount of 13" and 15" dicks that couldn't even accommodate the largest of beasts,,,,let alone a bloke or woman, when the known average is about 7"
Why do folks have to bullshit or pretend,,,get real.
I do expect a barrage from the "fake dick" brigade, but I am not about insulting anyone, just opening the topic for discussion.
I don't want any personal "hate" mail or criticism,,,,just some feedback,,,,,OK.
But really, there's always someone bigger & someone smaller. I'm sure everyone himself is usually satisfied that his cock does for him what it's supposed to, no matter what size it is. Mostly we can't change it anyway so why worry?
Big guys can have small dicks just as little guys can have big dicks.
I guess with some it's just one other form of competition of one guy outdoing another. It's mainly a bloke thing. Like ilovesex says, most women don't care - as long as it works.
This time 'median' and 'mode' are more descriptive than 'mean'.
Both situations resulted in an onslaught of barely literate obscenities and a negative voting tirade on my pictures.
For the record: if the average was 7in, close to 95% of guys would be below average - feeling silly for not checking facts before ranting yet? Also, i've heard people overstate here - but no one is dumb enough to say they're 13in without proving it beyond a doubt - that's world record length!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Was being conservative, awesome - my new length is about 10.5in
i think that all made sense
bottom line, in my experience online, when it comes to girls/women its not your dick that matters
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