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Variety in uploads

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #43287 [Ignore] 08,Jan,10 18:10
I don't have any illusions that I have the biggest or the best dick amongst the membership. But I am confident that I have, in my collection of images, a nice variety of images to share. I raise this point because in my limited exploration of fellow members ( mostly of visitors to my page) I am usually disappointed by the repetitious content in many collections. Change it up a bit guys! Different angles, different locales, different compositions,... different ANYthing!! C'mon... owning a digital camera gives you unlimited creative potential. Use it to the fullest potential. There's enough boring images here. Kick it up a notch!!!

p.s... that doesn't mean adding content from OTHER websites. Seen enough of that as well. It's pretty easy to distinguish professionally done photos from the amateur effort. I hate being taken for a fool. Add your own images or don't add. Another sign of low self image. It's not impressing anyone.

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By #22198 09,Jan,10 01:10
I like to think I have a nice variety given my limiting circumstances. I live with my family, so the only place I can safely take pictures is in the bathroom with the door locked. I have, however, taken pictures from varied angles, in different states of dress and different levels of arousal. I have also hung sheets on the shower rod to use as a backdrop, and I'm pleased with the way it turned out. Not everyone (and I imagine there are others in the same boat as me) can take pictures in many different locations, and I'm appreciative of the pics others do take and post for me to see.

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