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Do you think my pics are manipulated?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by bigone21 [Ignore] 20,Sep,14 18:46  other posts
in another thread: Cock size v Genetics... the user "kmadeau" acuses me of having my pictures manipulated (photoshopped), showing of something (my dick) that he says i do NOT have, but thinks it's a photoshop composition.

it's about this picture, but hey, tomorrow he could say it's about ALL my pictures!

what do you think? did i photoshop this? do you think i photoshopped any other of my pictures?

i say i did NOT, but how can one defend itself to accusations like this?

so, do you think my photo's are real, or do you think i'm a big fake and "kmadeau" is a real detective?

thanks in advance for your input!

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Similar topics: 1.Photo manipulated images of cocks   2.*PHOTOSHOP*   3.Artistic pics   4.Lets make a casting for my life   5.Your FAVORITE type of pics  

By #303133 25,Sep,14 07:56
Why do you care?
What they think doesn't change the size of your dick (manipulated or not).
The thread makes you sound a bit insecure, biggy.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 16:35 other posts 
"Why do you care?"

well, this "showyourdick", i like to show off, i think i have a set of good pics, and than i get accused of having manipulated my pics. i did not, and the accusation pisses me off.

"What they think doesn't change the size of your dick"

sure it doesn't, they might think it's 2 inches for all i care, but the accusation is that i fraud in my pics.

"(manipulated or not)."

thanks! seeding reasonable doubt, that's why i think you are a gifted rhetoric ass!

"The thread makes you sound a bit insecure"

suggesting it makes it half-true to some people, again, rhetorics!


that's the punchline to top it off. change the name to make it sound like someone is retarded.

thanks willy!
By #303133 25,Sep,14 17:25
Once again, you misinterpret what I said. You've chosen to read too much into each part of my statement. This is what I meant:
"Why do you care?"
Why do you care?
"What they think doesn't change the size of your dick"
Their opinion doesn't alter the size of your dick.
"(manipulated or not)"
Even if a photo is manipulated (as some member's are), that doesn't change their true size.
"The thread makes you sound a bit insecure"
It kinda does. You KNOW what size dick you have. Saying "my dick is REALLY this big"--in the way that you have--makes it sound like you are afraid that people won't like you if you don't have a big dick. Why defend against their nonsense? Look in your pants. Has what they said made your pecker shrink? There you go...
I just didn't feel like typing out your whole username. No mockery was intended. I do not believe that you are retarded. (Jeez...I thought it was the guys with little dicks that were supposed to have ego issues.)
By bigone21 [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 17:47 other posts 
oooff!! will, the center of my agony is NOT that someone THINKS a have really only a 3inch dick, but the accusation from some slimeball that i have PHOTOSHOPPED my pics!

(the same slimeball that has sended me all those nice messages a year ago about how he loved my pics).

i'm NOT saying "my dick is all that big", i'm showing it off, the pictures speak for itself.

no mockery intended is something i do not believe in your comments to me. after 6 months i come back here, and the first thing you do is bringing up circumcision in every thread i have a word in. (like: the donkey was not circumcized... you know what i talk about)

come on will, that is mockery at the fullest!
By #475104 18,Feb,15 12:35
I agree.. who the fuck cares.. you know the truth.. fukem.. if it's fake you're the only loser..

By #482836 18,Feb,15 04:32
Defence is easy. It's called exif data

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 16:17 other posts 
You're measuring in centimeters and if I'm looking at your measurement, you measure closer to 22cm rather than 21cm. In inches, you would be approximately 8.5 inches and your cock is completely believable as well as a be@st!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 17:05 other posts 
so, with 21 cm's i'm on the safe side right?

thanks bella!
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 17:24 other posts 
Well.....if any of your partners are concerned about size, I would not mention that extra centimeter. Let that be a surprise!
By #159671 18,Feb,15 04:08

By #159671 18,Feb,15 04:07
Looks real enough to me. Small variations in the skin and veins are hard to fake, also the shadow. You want to prove it to somebody I'd use a video of it being manipulated - real hard to doctor up all those frames unless you have a serious professional digital film workstation.

You might have fooled me but I think that penis is impressive enough no matter what the ruler says! I'll volunteer to film it for you - but can't guarantee I won't want to "manipulate" it too!

By #68656 25,Sep,14 03:37
Dear Mr. Kmad.
You should consider yourself priveleged to have had a forum discussion started and dedicated to yourself.
This is the discussion dedicated to me, /forum/thread.php?id=20853
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 04:41 other posts 
Hi John, thx but I'm really not feeling so "privileged" just from this member NOT! Better it's simply to "shut up" (as he told) and don't take a risque of other "Niagara Fall" of invective here in forum about us both... Greetings to charming Aussie there!
By #68656 25,Sep,14 06:27
Hello Kmad.
If you want to invoke no end of invective just mention or use the word "circumcision", then sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 08:16 other posts 
JohnS... you sir are an asshat
By #303133 25,Sep,14 08:29
Damn! I KNEW I should have had that phrase trademarked...
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 08:40 other posts 
your 2 cents are on the way....
By bigone21 [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 16:38 other posts 
i love to see you 2 necking and fallen in love!!

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 25,Sep,14 11:16 other posts 
of course the pics are real.......look at the variety

By iowaguy [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 16:06 other posts 
I've seen and been with plenty of big cocks so I would not assume you've manipulated your pics. I would assume you just have a big fuckin cock that's just hot.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 17:00 other posts 
thanks iowaguy! glad you look with your eyes and not with a paranoid brain distorting your view!
By iowaguy [Ignore] 24,Sep,14 23:52 other posts 
You're welcome

By small_dik [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 20:28 other posts 
I'm sure there's plenty around here that would love to manipulate it

By bigone21 [Ignore] 21,Sep,14 13:43 other posts 
By kmadeau at 20,Sep,14 18:48

Hi there man, I'm not big-penis-envy, I love to fuck good gifted guys and do it often. No one till now has such a fat dick as mine, and I'm long enough. All my love!
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--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

thanks for your PM!

YES, you have the fattest cock ever! FATTEST EVER!! if you want to believe that, be happy about it! just stop stalking me with all your rubbish, will you?


By #428387 20,Sep,14 18:53
Well it must be long if you can get it in your mouth and your butt.I dont think you can photoshop that kind of thing.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 20,Sep,14 19:09 other posts 
thanks man! i needed that!

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 20,Sep,14 18:55 other posts 
Your pic is for sure manipulated, that means it is combination from two different pics (left one with your dick and right one with the tape). Both pics aren't made on the same place. See the deference of table surface on two parts! Why you did that? Very easy answer!

PS: I was very very surprised when I found this issue. I never expected you are capable to do that! Sorry man!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 20,Sep,14 19:07 other posts 
paranoid thoughts! how about this one?

how did i manipulate this?
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours

By kmadeau at 21,Sep,14 14:34

Hi man, don't think I have nothing to say about your second tape pics, but you are using in your comments so much invectives that I prefer not to comment! All my love!
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thanks and go f*ck yourself KMD, sorry i'm a little hostile at your stupid, unargumented comments, but hey, what am i to do? i have stalker that says my pics are photoshopped!

they are NOT, but you keep coming!

get out of my face KMD!

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