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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #477919 [Ignore] 20,Nov,14 10:26
Perrenial site pests - here are my first 2: "peeslave4you" and "merton"

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Similar topics: 1.What is the purpose of this site?   2.Responders who can't stay on topic!   3.The 'nutters' on this site...   4.!!!!* Where to ? *!!!!!!!   5.About securing this WEB site on the internet and a cautionary note to those on this site.  

By #485312 01,Sep,16 04:53
smella is the biggest *lix*
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Sep,24 10:49 other posts 
Lix, you dumb bitch- you are a fat lump!

I know you still come here to read posts!

Are you still with that little piece of shit midget!?

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,16 16:45 other posts 
You's a dumb biotch!

By #196416 20,Nov,14 16:34
I agree JustWill, I was wondering how long it would take to be tossed in the trash, oops I mean dumpster. Sorry LF.
By #491031 29,Aug,15 13:44

By #477919 23,Nov,14 11:49
My good friend (i see him as like my younger bro) and a very well-liked member (-Vivace- aka MAJOR) has a serial pest by the name of "man-ass" - votes all of his pics down to the multiple of 30+. I did all i could (3 neg gifts and an aggressive warning) and the weirdo-troll added me, donated 150pts to me and positive gifted me 3x, before proceeding to fuck with -Vivace- again. Any of my friends that read this - crush that skidmark, if you have the inclination!
By #358797 23,Nov,14 11:50
On it
By #358797 23,Nov,14 15:07
Nov 23, 14:58 man_ass: I **** black dicks, guess why...

Apparently the butt nugget thinks there's a reason to justify his hatred of black dick.
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The blurred word is ha.te, obviously...

By #358797 22,Nov,14 14:30
WTF. How could I forget to add seanconnery0072012 and ken31234?!?
By #444014 22,Nov,14 17:05
Ssshhh...you'll wake them up...
By #358797 22,Nov,14 17:25
By #444014 22,Nov,14 17:37
Is my dick big enuff ?,cumment on my vids....

Ffing déjà vu with Mr Jap daddy ....
By #358797 22,Nov,14 17:53
One time in chat... I just sat there watching and took a shot of vodka every time he asked someone about their cock, or used the phrase "Asian dick"....
By #444014 22,Nov,14 18:02
I bet you ran out of vodka...
By #358797 22,Nov,14 19:05
I ended up passing out. Lol. I should do it again some time.
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 22,Nov,14 19:38 other posts 
I did that also girl, except I took a hit off the bong instead I ended up eating 2 boxes of thin mint Girl Scout cookies and drank a gallon of milk! then I ****
By #358797 22,Nov,14 21:06
Ya know.. That's a good idea... Maybe I'll try that next time instead of vodka... I'll probably put vodka in the bong though....

By #477919 20,Nov,14 17:56
Fucking bullshit. Not that i didn't know this'd happen. Fukn gentrify me 😡 - what went on to cause this politicallly-safe shit whilst i was gone?!
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Apparently the forum is just for the perverts, sexual inadequates and morons now. Any real opinions or serious posts are banned. I'm surprised "Sports Talk" isn't here now coz i expressed contrary responses and opinions in it too. Dumb!!!
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In all seriousness - what is the forum without us to call the shit - a bunch of clueless retards drivelling nothing shit that they can't even express properly to each other!!!? A pit of mis-info and human mess!
By #23212 21,Nov,14 23:36
Sadly LF, it seems to me you have missed one of the great benefits of The Dumpster--that of a Forum place for those of us, you, of course included, that possess a higher level of intelligence, and the abilities to better understand sarcasm and subtle humour, and more of the nuances of sexuality and life. [Admin's wry sense of humour with this creation of a separate 'Forum' duly noted here also. ]
By #477919 22,Nov,14 07:57
Fair enough. Wasn't aware you guys were happy with the situation
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...but what's with the fucking title "Drama Queens...non-intelligent" shit? ................., admin
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Nov,14 08:18 other posts 
You will have to ask the one of the fighting Drama Queens.

By #358797 20,Nov,14 10:40
Bahaha. Peeslave is obnoxious. I'll go through my PMs and add to this list.
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hod500, jetjock08, m4relaxn, 14inchBoy, #phimosis#, and QuantamManray....
By #477919 20,Nov,14 11:19
You've told me about "jetjock08" in previous incarnations of me... And i'm well aware of "14inchboy" and "#phimosis#" x
By #358797 20,Nov,14 11:26
Razzle was a pest too. But I haven't taken notice to if he's even around still.
By #472683 21,Nov,14 00:10
Razzle! OMG! He wouldn't give me the time of day as Cum4Steffi, but when I snuck back as LoveLee, with just a couple of photos, he was "all over me".
By #358797 22,Nov,14 01:29
He used to bug me all the time. Kept asking me to send pics so he could cut off my arms and legs and shove me in his cock. Barf.

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