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smileys on top of our page: what are they for? who generates them? how do they get changed?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,14 16:51  other posts
On top of one's page we see a smiley face of various types. I've been wondering how they are generated, who controls them, how do they change?

Admin (or anyone else), can you explain?

Here is what I'm talking about:

Also, why do women, in general, get the happiest faces, but men get the unhappiest ones?

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By #358797 09,Dec,14 17:17
Cuz women are awesome and most of the men here are piggish and creepy.
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 09,Dec,14 17:50 other posts 
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 09:06 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,14 21:20 other posts 
"Cuz women are awesome" should be corrected, INMHO, to read ""Cuz most women are awesome". I don't think *all* women are awesome. But I agree that most are. As for men, well, I'm sorry for our species
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 07:23 other posts 
well I would like to think I am rare then... as I am neither piggish or creepy... or so I would like to think
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 09:05 other posts 
No Darling, one big NOT now!
Mostly if some man asked one woman to get "f*****" it's piggish and crazy for you and... matter of abuses?!!! But if some woman made the same to us guys, it's just a big compliment for all of us!!! Sorry that it's very rarely! Also this way for you women here there are nice Smiles only... and for us the creepiest men... just here are remained the Devils!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 09:58 other posts 
Good reply. Indeed, if a woman asked me to fuck, cam2cam, masturbate, talk dirty, email, skype, meet up, I'd do it. (A man too, but that's more rare for me.) And it would be a compliment--as you say. But if we reverse the roles, then that is considered creepy when, really, the intent is identical. In the first instance, I accept the invite and the woman's rating is going up. In the second instance, she rejects the pass (usually) and my rating goes down. Generally speaking. Exceptions exist.

Just as in real life. Wish that at least *this* place operated on different than real-life attitudes and stereotypes. What should matter is whether one's intentions are vile or not. Asking for sex is not, IMHO.

That said, I'm slowly learning the unwritten rules of this place and am trying to abide to them. There are many rules and conventions, but we don't know what they are.

Hope we all have a lot of fun anyway. Isn't that why we're all here? I want to believe that very few of the members are pranksters or want to cause harm. But surely they exist... (I'm not one of them, even though I like sex )
By #23212 13,Dec,14 02:12
'arexa52', most of the men here have much lower IQs than you do, so it's no wonder you find them that way.
By #473569 11,Apr,15 10:49
strongly agree.. blacklisted lots of creeps sending unsolicited pics of their disgusting organs and other sick pictures.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Apr,15 11:21 other posts 
Why not set your profile to accept private pictures from your friends, only. If your friends disrespect your wishes and send unsolicited pictures, maybe you should reevaluate whether you want to keep them as your friend.
By Emerald [Ignore] 11,Apr,15 11:42 other posts 
On a site called "show your dick", someone sent you a picture of their... dick? Seriously?

Even so, I totally understand your reaction. On behalf of all of us primitive monkeys: sorry! I guess it's pretty easy to misunderstand the purpose of this site, isn't it?

And while we're on the subject: do you find my profile thumbnail offensive? Would you prefer that I change it?
By #358797 11,Apr,15 22:44
Nobody cares if you use your dong as an avatar. Just means nobody needs to visit your page to see the thing.
And it doesn't mean we want spammed with dick pics just cuz we're members here... You have no clue how annoying it is logging in and finding 50+ pictures of weiners when you check messages.
By Emerald [Ignore] 12,Apr,15 16:33 other posts 
I can certainly imagine you'd find that pretty annoying, yes, but apparently some people need to be told. Let's hope the message reaches them.

Also, thank you! I'll keep my avatar, then.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Apr,15 18:22 other posts 
Oops! I posted on the wrong post. So sorry!
By #358797 11,Apr,15 22:38
Haha. I have, too. Thank goodness we can keep em from sending that shit now though.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Apr,15 16:42 other posts 
One way to look at it is this: if you there are many members you are willing to blacklist, this means that you attract far more than average. and this should make you feel happy because you're popular. indeed, the smaller your popularity, the fewer the members you'd blacklist. just thought to give a positive twist to the phenomenon! Maybe i failed. If I did, sorry.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Apr,15 18:25 other posts 
Such an interesting way to look at this curious 'phenomenon'. Thanks for sharing your point of view.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Apr,15 22:28 other posts 
I'm half joking of course. Unless one is a total jerk, the number of members blacklisting him or her should be proportional to his/her popularity and so an increased number of blacklisters should be a rough indicator of one's popularity. Ha ha.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Apr,15 12:19 other posts 
I got promoted again!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Apr,15 10:35 other posts 
Holy schnikey, your rating has jumped up! You are now classified as 'sweet'! Oh heck, I knew that a long time ago, it's good that other members saw your alluring qualities and joined the rest of 'Team Leo'. Congrats!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Apr,15 08:37 other posts 
Thank you so much bella for your trust and confidence and good words. You were the first one to alert me when I was going down, unintentionally, the slippery slope.

By #485312 11,Apr,15 19:07
men are from mars, women are from venus, the age old question of why??? sometimes its just not worth explaining the unexplainable, if you cant work out how to be sociable and gain popularity, you should go back to your study, power up the computer and wank to porn all night...also, did you read the instructions first???? *lix*

By #204766 11,Apr,15 09:29
It's a rating system the more people that befriend you the happier the smiley face and you loose your smile if you get blacklisted blacklisting carries more weight than befriending

By #431354 09,Dec,14 18:30
Women get more hits for friendships... it is based on how many people befriend you and how many people blacklist you....
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Dec,14 18:36 other posts 
That reminds me, thanks!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Dec,14 21:18 other posts 
Thanks. I've another question: is blocking from private chat the same as blacklisting?
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 05:49 other posts 
Blocking and blacklisting are two different things. If you blacklist a member, they are not able to contact you by private message, post on your wall or comment on your pictures.

If you're asking whether you are able to limit some members access to your chat room, the answer is yes.

Set it up for "friends only". You won't be blacklisting anyone however you will be limiting who you are interested in chatting with.

--------------------------------------- added after 44 minutes

Actually, come to think of it, if you are online, ANYONE has access to your chat room, unless of course you have blacklisted that person. There were several times that I noticed members in my chat room when I was not there. It was like there was a party going on and I was not home.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 09:50 other posts 
Thanks bella. I appreciate the response.
Does blocking affect the smiley face too?
Or is it *only* blacklisting that does?

BTW, this should be written somewhere, I couldn't find it in the FAQs. ADMIN, maybe he/she could change this?

As for a party at your place when you're not there, there are two reasons:
1) You are popular.
2) You leave your door open!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 10:07 other posts 
As I recall, Monted's response was correct, the rating is a ratio/percentage between how many members have befriended you versus how many members have blacklisted you.

To my knowledge, blacklisting is the only thing that would affect the smiley face rating.

By #316057 10,Dec,14 08:31
Mine bounce back plus 1

By #132188 10,Dec,14 06:13
Just another syd/syc exploit, that being said - = popular
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 08:16 other posts 
Do you think that rating is a reflection of popularity? NOT! Well, maybe....... You're a prime example that the rating has nothing to do with who you are. If my opinion matters, for the most part, I find you kind, sensible, direct and insightful. Your nemesis' find you a strong opponent and being strong is a threat to them. Your rating is just a reflection of how WEAK THEY ARE. Consider your rating a compliment.

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