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Large Penises?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #470930 [Ignore] 10,Dec,14 20:31
Is it me or does it seem like there are a awful lot of large penises on this site? I have heard that average is like 5.6" for the USA. But it seems like the majority of guys on here are well over that. Are you all seeing the same thing?

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Similar topics: 1.cut penises   2."6 Inch Penises"   3.Comparing penises   4.Wowed By Large Penises   5.uncut penises  

By bikev [Ignore] 29,Dec,14 10:20 other posts 
Come visit France. They have very nice big cocks here.

By #81191 26,Dec,14 09:14
"maybe you're thinking of Jonah Falcon" Yes I am while at the same time realizing that TV or film can edit and direct to convince us that its fact. My knowledge of perspective in photography enables me to asses what appears to be big and more amusing at times the desperation. Some women may well go for big dicks while others are happy with 5 -7. Conditioning springs to mind with the desire to conform. Just what are the perfect proportions will no doubt go on for eternity.

By #81191 25,Dec,14 15:48
Men have always had a fixation with big dicks. The Internet and porn sites like this simply fuels the angst, so much so thats it is becoming the norm for a woman to demand nothing less than a big dick especially so the young ones. There is the chap featured in a TV show among other media with a dick 13.5 in long and a girth of 8in. He enjoyed the attention that is however becoming less as the desire to have a serious relationship is proving to be difficult. Just for the record I am 5in with a good many I chat with the same or an inch bigger. As they say its what you do with it.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 25,Dec,14 21:18 other posts 
"There is the chap featured in a TV show among other media with a dick 13.5 in long and a girth of 8in."

No there isn't. Those dimensions are purely fictional.

(Edit - maybe you're thinking of Jonah Falcon, who's at best unwilling to submit to 'proper' measurement. Or perhaps "Mister Mark," who's undergone ridiculous surgeries to get an unnaturally large, deformed member only registered users can see external links

I started a thread on another site to collect images/vids of pornstars measuring or comparing, and even the biggest (Mandingo, arguably) isn't much more than 10", IF THAT; I'd encourage you -- and anyone -- to check it out:

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By _avg_ [Ignore] 25,Dec,14 21:50 other posts 
Also, I read an interesting article linking female preference for big dicks to the fact that humans have proportionally the largest dicks by far of any primate:

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So while it may be that men have a fixation on big dicks, women apparently do too, and that may account for more.

By #477982 22,Dec,14 06:09
I'm a seven, I love the look of my own cock, and I've discovered I'm an exhibitionist and love showing it off in an excited state, knowing that it might get others excited too. I guess if it was smaller, or if I didn't like the look of it, I probably wouldn't post it for others to look at - so maybe people like me skew the average to make it seem like everyone is bigger then 5.6"
By WristThick [Ignore] 22,Dec,14 16:30 other posts 
I've talked to many guys who are average size and many women who have average size partners, both of whom think they're "small". Then the reason for them thinking they're small comes out and is because of the average size cock posted on sites like this. It's *well* above the actual average, as measured on the legit size surveys performed by doctors and nurses in real life. When you judge against a false "average" which is actually statistically large, then the results will be badly skewed every time.
By #470930 22,Dec,14 23:54
Just curious if the doctor measured average takes into consideration weight because I have heard just having extra fat can make your penis as much as an 1"-2" shorter. I wonder if that was considered. I still understand average is average but just wonder if it is a little scewed that way.
By WristThick [Ignore] 23,Dec,14 15:21 other posts 
Length measurements were pressed into the pubic bone when hard. Girth measurements were usually taken from the middle of the shaft. Soft measurements were taken with the stretched length. I know in more than one survey, guys who couldn't get fully hard were disqualified. That could have skewed the results towards bigger guys who were more confident in showing themselves off. In that sense you're probably right.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 23,Dec,14 23:52 other posts 
Do you have a source, perhaps? I've read quite a few of the published studies, and can't recall any describing their methodology to that extent. I've seen criticism over the lack of a consensus on the 'proper' way to measure, so I'd be curious if any reliable, robust studies explicitly using one or another technique actually exists.

I'd also caution about drawing a correlation between 'performance' on the test and penis size; *confidence* often has nothing to do with *penis size*. At least one study was conducted at a popular hotspot during spring break, so alcohol surely factors into the 'performance rate'...
By WristThick [Ignore] 24,Dec,14 18:51 other posts 
Lookup Human Penis Size on Wikipedia and see the sources. Also look at the discussion pages, which have a lot more data and sources. That spring break survey was done by one of the condom makers and it was that very survey where guys who weren't able to get completely hard were disqualified. All measurements were taken by nurses present.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 24,Dec,14 21:07 other posts 
Sorry, I was responding to your assertion that measurements were performed "pressed into the pubic bone when hard." For the record, I've read the Wikipedia article and it's sources, plus several others, and I cannot find a description of such methodology. I'm hoping you can provide a primary reference, and preferably one that is reliable and robust.

(Yes, I'm a nerd when it comes to science; I'm a trained biologist and my anxieties have caused me to scour every available source of information on penis size; as I mentioned above, there is simply no consensus on measurement techniques. "Bone pressed" is a term coined and used extensively in the penis enlargement community, not the scientific one, I'm afraid)

By #471809 24,Dec,14 18:28
19 cm here - 7.5 inches.
I consider myself average. I saw cocks way bigger than mine.


By #371590 24,Dec,14 10:07
My cock is 7 and a half inches, not the biggest cock but I can't complain, and my gf doesn't. I'd just like it to be a little fatter, but overall I like my equipment

[deleted image]

By WristThick [Ignore] 21,Dec,14 23:32 other posts 
This is a site ***specifically designed*** for showing off! So what do you expect to be shown off?! It's only natural for it to be heavily skewed towards big dicks, big tits, great asses, tight pussies (hello there! ) and fantastic bodies. A lot of these are in the top 0.1-5% of the population for whatever is being shown off. Whoever bucks the trend is not only going to be seen as smaller or fatter, but a lot smaller or fatter due to the extreme difference between what's really average and what's being posted. Again, that's only natural given what this site was designed for. Confirmation bias for sure!

By _avg_ [Ignore] 13,Dec,14 12:34 other posts 
It only SEEMS like there's a majority of big dicks on this site. Most make it to the front page, and are therefore more highly visible, while the vast, VAST majority of users here are in the 5" and under range. Vast.

It's also likely that you more easily remember the big ones an quickly forget the rest; it's called "confirmation bias" and we're all guilty of it from time to time. Take an honest sample of 100 users at random and you'll see that the size distribution fits the typical bell curve.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Dec,14 14:16 other posts 
I think you are absolutely right on every point you make. There are a lot on men with normal size cocks and a lot of micro penises on display. Look, for example, at lahbr. He has a stunningly attractive micro and he photographs it quite well. His photos often make it to the Most Popular page.
By #475905 14,Dec,14 00:16
There seem to have a contradiction between your statement and that of _avg_, not unless you're pointing out the exception of such personality you mentioned.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 14,Dec,14 11:33 other posts 
'Sorry, but I just don't follow the logic of what you just said.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 14,Dec,14 01:50 other posts 
Yes. Yes there are. But, the site is called "Show Your Dick" so that is what I am doing. If it was called "Show Your Large Dick", then I probably wouldn't be on the site showing my dick. But whatever size you have, show it, I always say. Variety is the spice of life.

By diamund [Ignore] 12,Dec,14 03:19 other posts 
every time I look down

By #220845 11,Dec,14 14:30
Some guy's are justhung well, wish I were

By admin [Ignore] 11,Dec,14 12:38 other posts 
This site was in google top for "big dick" for about 2 years. Since then it's overrun by people with big dicks. It was not so at first though and I expect it to change in future as this site is no longer in google top at all.

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 11,Dec,14 11:19 other posts 
There is a large variety of sizes here though

By boc [Ignore] 11,Dec,14 10:46 other posts 
I came here for that exact reason. All my life I have heard from women how "You have a large cock." or "Your cock is a nice size." So I figured a site where they are showed off would attract many others in the same percentile as me.

By rockhard4 [Ignore] 11,Dec,14 08:47 other posts 
Hey I'm not big at all but I'm chilling on this site with the big boys . I have no shame in what I have

By hytiger [Ignore] 11,Dec,14 03:18 other posts 
Bigger guys are more likely to want to post pics on a public website, to show what they have got.
Many smaller & average sized guys tend to hang out at

By #292354 11,Dec,14 00:06
could be that the large dicked ones are the ones who wander the internets looking for a place like this to show off.
either that, or it's photoshop.

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