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What Happened???!!!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #415959 [Ignore] 16,Jan,15 18:32
...to this site?

I'm ready to send Admin 500 gallons of formaldehyde to put this "once upon a time" glorious site to s leep.

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Similar topics: 1.Has this ever happened to you?   2.What happened to Landofthelost??   3.penis or genital injuries   4.Getting caught wanking and/or naked in public.   5.Has a medical ailment ever hindered you during a sexual encounter.  

By #491031 28,Aug,15 07:49
Just one more post in my quest for asterisk domination of the dumpster...

By #415959 26,Jan,15 18:46
This site is entirely, certainly, officially and unequivocally...dead!

And, I mean, D, E, A, D...DEAD!
By #358797 28,Jan,15 02:46
I agree. It is. :/

By johnp [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 16:03 other posts 
Btw r you taking good care of my girl?? Do I need to step in n help out? Come on Ur better than that 2nice
By #415959 19,Jan,15 18:48
Step in, Johnny Kick Ass, and...let's see if your "girl" is receptive.

By johnp [Ignore] 21,Jan,15 11:38 other posts 
Jonny kick ass😂😂.. I'm playin bro .. Kinda 😉

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 08:13 other posts 
Would you look at that, this topic was moved to the dumpster!

Apparently admin is not receptive of factual statements and open-minded to see things the way they are!
By admin [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 08:49 other posts 
I do not see any helpful information here. I've seen exactly the same whining on every site I had or participated in as a plain member during past 15 years.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 09:22 other posts 
It doesn't surprise me that you aren't able to see any 'helpful information' with eyes wide shut.

It is wise for you to allow the important topics such as the intoxicating smell of semen, panty wearing men, testicular torture and the likes.... ample space in the MAIN FORUM. After all, that seems to be where you are able to find the intelligent and sensible members that SUPPORT your site.
By admin [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 13:29 other posts 
Don't pretend to be silly again. Semen smell and panty-wearing men however stupid they may look like out of the context are completely relevant to this site main theme.

"Two Minutes ha.te" on the other hand are not relevant, not interesting for most of members and not useful for me.

The only fun about this thread is to see how you unite with 2nice when I remember not so long ago you almost asked me to ban him from the site...
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jan,15 14:26 other posts 
Me being silly, no. And it's odd that you didn't mention the testicular torture thread.

You are a funny man, you're trying to start some shit right now. If you want to start shit, at least be honest. You 'demand' members be cordial in your public areas, i.e. chat and the forum BUT do not have any rules set for attacks made at a private page level. I did come to you and asked about limiting the number of times that any member could negative gift a member in a 24 hour period. Ha! You most likely were quite encouraged when you saw how many piles of shit, bottles of poison etc. he bought and sent. Perhaps you were ecstatic with the amount of revenue that he generated. I still feel that what was done was excessive and form of bullying. It's sad that you don't see or recognize your bias towards members.

I will 'unite' and agree with 2nice OR any member when he/they make a statement that is correct. Get your head out of the sand, this site, your site is dying and you have a lot to do with that. Take care.

By johnp [Ignore] 16,Jan,15 23:24 other posts 
U haven't been around .. That's what happened ...

By slipper [Ignore] 16,Jan,15 21:45 other posts 
Huh? No idea what I've missed...

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