The contest will go like this: Choose what you think will be the final combined total score of both teams regardless of who won the game.
The winner will be the member who guesses the correct combined total score of both teams.
Enter your guess like this example: Seattle 24 New England 27 = 51
51 being the winning guess in this example. Enter it in this way because if a member is exactly correct? There will be a bonus prize awarded. Also in the event of certain tie scenarios it will help decide the winner if that does indeed happen.
Some rules.
1. In the event of a tie, the member who entered the correct guess first by time stamp will be the winner.
2. If no member guesses the exact correct score. The member with the closest guess first by time stamp will be the winner, if there's a tie here as well? The same rules apply as above.
3. Members that already have a premium membership may still enter. The prize will be 1000 points instead. All other rules apply the same.
4. There will be a bonus of 300 points if the winning member guesses the score exactly, that's why you must enter your guess as the scores of both teams with a winner and the total of both teams. Another example:
Seattle Seahawks 17 - New England Patriots 24 = 41
5. You may enter by pm'ing us your guess, or entering it here in the forum. I would suggest pm'ing it if you don't want anyone to see your guess. Remember? In the event of a tie, the member with the earliest time stamped correct guess will be the winner!
6. Betting is open now and will end on February 1st @ 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. No entries will be excepted after this time.
7. One entry per membership ONLY! If we discover you have multiple memberships with the same IP. You will be disqualified.
8. If some of these rules seem confusing? Or have any suggestions that may improve the game? Feel free to pm us anytime
Good Luck!

Have Fun !!

--------------------------------------- added after 86 seconds
Good game though
Total 52
Way to go, YOOPERS!
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