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Who should we delete ?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 11:32  other posts
Over recent weeks there has been a lot of heat and maybe not much light generated in the 'Abuse report system'. I just want to put a few thoughts out there to see if there is any consensus at all.

First of all I have to state my personal prejudices here;
1) While totally accepting that we are all adults here, and to misuse a term, while accepting caveat emptor, I do think that anyone who creates an account with the deliberate intention of making another member think they are someone/thing they are not should be given very short shrift and deleted a.s.a.p. In particular those males who 'need' to pretend they are females. males pretending to be couple. I really can't get my head a round that.

2) I also have zero tolerance of anything involving ****. whether it be actual photographs of photo shopped images.

3) Images involving **** sexually involved with humans...that does not mean for example a dog lying on the bed, but examples such as those posted by eronir today.

4) Images of an ex, or anyone else without that persons consent. (tricky, I know)

However a lot of the abuse reports do not fall within those categories. Some members post images that they have found online and just wish to share. There is no intention to fool other members. So the profile has a lot of totally genuine images but a few of a dick/pussy or person that they saw and wanted to share; maybe even photos of a nude celebrity. I am not convinced these people deserve deletion. There are many well known sites that allow posting of copyright images of this type.

There are other reports that are made because an image has been found on blogs, tumblr or twitter. This is such a grey area, once you post an image online you lose total control and it can appear anywhere. I personally don't think anyone should be deleted because of an image found on any of these.

So, those are my views, who should we delete ?

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Similar topics: 1.Purging inactive members   2.DELETE PC   3.Help!!!!Which of my photos should I delete?   4.minus 5   5.Can't delete my page images.  

By #444014 07,Mar,15 12:06
[deleted image]

Where do members stand on this picture ?
By #358797 07,Mar,15 12:26
That picture cracks me up.
By admin [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 12:41 other posts 
I deleted that account. Not because of Obama face, I don't care about that, but account was registered from France claiming being in US and did not contain anything else than just 2 images (both very likely from internet) with Obama face shopped into them. Obvious "for trolling only" account.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 13:25 other posts 
There are quite a few members that are snakes that try project the demeanor of a lamb. Too bad they are such sad and spineless human beings.
By admin [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 15:16 other posts 
You seem to be unable to understand that different sites have different purposes. I just wonder, when you want to buy a carton of milk, do you go to a shoe store?
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 15:40 other posts 
Oh, no way do I go to the shoe store for milk! In Michigan, I shop at Meijers, they sell food, shoes, clothes, small appliances, etc.

I have lived long enough to know that things aren't always as they seem, that you will find wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. But here, on SYD, I don't see wolves, I see snakes, slimy, slithering around on their belly, snakes. It is sad with that all that is done anonymously and the number of fake profiles/personas created because they don't have the balls or backbone to say what they want to say or prove what they want to prove.

There are more pussies here than those that are registered on SYC!
By admin [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 16:23 other posts 
The world around you is what you choose to make out of it. If you have chosen it to be a snake pit, that's where you are going to dwell all your life...
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 17:05 other posts 
Ha! Just because I am aware that things are not what they seem to be and there are snakes presenting themselves to be sheep does not mean I dwell in a snake pit.

By #147052 03,Mar,15 10:24
Delete all repuglican teabaggers!
By #451452 07,Mar,15 14:08
Freedom of speech ???

By admin [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 12:15 other posts 
If you posted your photos on some other sites you should still have originals on your PC, phone or camera. So there is no reason why you should not post them but post photos with markings of other sites instead or photos where those markings are obviously cut out. I agree that in some cases you may lose your original photos and the only copies you left with are those you posted on some other site, but those cases are may be 5% of cases when people use this as an excuse. In other 95% people simply take those photos off someone else and lie they are theirs. Easily verified, you make a request for a specific photo and they start giving you all kinds of excuses like "my camera is broken" or "my pc suddenly does not want to read the memory card" or some other stupid shit. Or they promise to do it tomorrow, because now they are not at home (or for some other reason), hoping you will forget to check later.

When I was verifying all abuses myself I got tired of those lame excuses pretty fast, so I simply assumed that if the photo has some mark - it's stolen.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 12:24 other posts 
Thanks for the response, it makes your - Admins - view very clear to anyone taking the time to read it and should inform their judgments in future. I totally agree with you, people posting on other sites should still have and use the original image.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 12:36 other posts 
I agree also with some concern! If you post the orig photo here and some one dose a serch, that photo can come up being posted on another site, there for the panel instantly asumes it is stolen! When actualy it isn't, It is just that person having another acount on a diferent site,I have seen this happen way to many times here and also it has happend to people that I personaly know!
These are the reasons,along with all the politcs, I elect to refrane from taking part of the panel.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 12:55 other posts 
I do appreciate your decision not to take part in the abuse panel but it does need more people to take part and protect 'innocent' offenders. I am one of those who is very reluctant to delete a member just because a photo has been seen on a blog or other amateur site. As you suggest other people can seem a little to eager to delete for a relatively minor infringement.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 13:28 other posts 
Ray, screw the politics, it's open minded people that need to check in, every now and again, and have their 'voice' heard.

The other day I received a PM from another member who noted that a member posting a picture with the logo, Candy Camera was referred for deletion. As I recall, the referring member did not provide any internet links but said that it 'seemed to be an internet picture'. I checked it out and indeed, Candy Camera is a site for enhancing selfies. The usual group had already voted to delete but I suggested that they take an opportunity to Google Candy Camera an check it out. One member begrudgingly changed their vote but not before they made a remark about this site being a repository for fakes and the chatter that will go on about the matter.

On another note, I am of the opinion that if a member is going to report another member, they need to present facts and links. It is not for me/the panel to determine why 'you' are reporting someone or for a voting member(s) to be abusive and refer to anyone as a 'FUCKING IDIOT' due to them voting 'no abuse' because a reason and/or link was not presented.

It is sad that there is a 10 day window to resolve the matter yet the panel is eager to delete the reported member without being given an opportunity to explain or correct the 'offense' they are being charged with.

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 12:25 other posts 
I couldn't agree more, with both of you

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Mar,15 11:35 other posts 
I didn't realise that the postings removed certain terms and replaced with ***

In point 2 I am referring to people not yet 18.

In point 3 to other mammals.

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