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Started by #444014 [Ignore] 04,Mar,15 03:37
I remember ......

I remember when l.o.l. was used as lots of love....

I remember the days when the bush was in fashion.....

I remember .........

What do you remember ?????........

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By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 09:17 other posts 
I remember my first rock concert, which was Blue Oyster Cult.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 09:08 other posts 
I remember my Dad throwing beer cans in our pool on the 4th of July and they would sink to the bottom. That's how He served the beer at the party to guests who wanted a beer. They had to jump in the pool and dive for one.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 09:04 other posts 
I remember when MTV played music.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 09:00 other posts 
I remember going to the movies and having the candy divided into three categories, $.50, $.75 and $1. My Mom just couldn't see paying a whole dollar for candy.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 08:58 other posts 
I remember listening to music and the record skipping and my Dad having to smash his foot on the floor to unskip the record.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 08:54 other posts 
I remember when having your birthday party at McDonald's was a big deal.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 08:52 other posts 
I remember when cell phones just made calls, not even texts.

By jayman73 [Ignore] 07,May,15 08:50 other posts 
I remember listening to my Dad's Black Sabbath album on the record player every Saturday morning when I was 6 years old.

By Sickboy [Ignore] 07,May,15 05:39 other posts 
I remember the PEPE Jeans keyring craze

By #485312 30,Apr,15 04:03
l remember when my phone number was 3 numbers and you turned the handle and spoke to the operator to put your call through, l remember when the cattle truck had a manual arm you used as a turning signal and stop signal, l remember going to the shops and booking up your purchases, theyd write it in a book and charge you at the end of the month for your groceries, butcher, hardware and pharmacy...l remember not having to wear a seat belt the cars didn't have any, my car seat was hooked onto a front bench seat, the gear stick was on the steering column and there was a small quarter window on the front, we'd leave our key in the ignition and never locked a door or window...those were the days *lix*

By #149019 22,Mar,15 04:28
[deleted image]
By #358797 22,Mar,15 14:19
You remember your weiner? Where did it go?

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 17,Mar,15 21:33 other posts

By #482678 15,Mar,15 03:01
Great topic. I remember having sex all the time, and It was so much better, because I had a partner. lmao. Shhh. :-/

By #23212 15,Mar,15 02:37
I remember when in order to watch some porn on my big screen TV, I had to buy or rent it on discs. Now I just turn on my RokuŽ Box.

By fatcock66 [Ignore] 14,Mar,15 22:27 other posts 
when getting a Beaver Shot gave you a boner

By #85103 08,Mar,15 04:36
I remember.... damn, I forgot!
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 08,Mar,15 05:03 other posts 

By #485312 08,Mar,15 03:04
l remember.................not much, comes with having your brain blown up....
seriously, l remember having to turn the handle on our phone and wait for the operator to answer, our number was 159 and the phone was bolted to the wall, l remember our cattle truck had an iron arm for a turn signal and brake signal, l remember bench seats in cars, and home grown vegetables, they are green things that people used to eat, l remember when bex was legal to buy and vincents were full of cocaine, those were the days lol, *lix*

By t-rex [Ignore] 07,Mar,15 16:48 other posts 
I remember the Beatles appearance on The Ed Sullivan show, I was young, but I remember everyone talking about it, and how everyone was so excited to see them on the show

By #23212 07,Mar,15 02:44
I remember reading all of Ian Fleming's original James Bond novels, in order. Then some years later, seeing them as movies as they each came out.

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 06,Mar,15 23:30 other posts 
Opening beer bottles with a car seatbelt buckle.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,15 10:25 other posts 
I remember the Encyclopedia Britannica......

By #316057 06,Mar,15 08:55
I Remeber Buying A Coke for 5 cents
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Mar,15 10:24 other posts 
I remember getting Pepsi-Cola for one time, my uncle *WAS* the the president of the Pepsi-Cola bottling company in Detroit.

By #479114 06,Mar,15 08:12
I remember when a big mac meal was $5
By #358797 06,Mar,15 08:48
Do you remember the baskets of fries? They should bring that shit back.

By #451452 06,Mar,15 02:00
I remember the 3 stooges, Laurel and Hardy, Bing Crosby, Sachmo, Dick Clark's American Band Stand, Dial telephones had a dial, party lines, ringer washing machines. No digital computers anywhere, Lockheed Electra and its dropping engines, When you could actually work on your own car, people worked for what they earned, the US government was't in everybody's business, Before there were commercial jet aircraft, Flat head ver-eights, straight flat head 8s, the clothes drier was a series of lines in the back yard, many people had victory gardens, balls of tin foil, No satellites in space, rabbit ears for TV antennas. The list has become a monster, I must be really old.

By #443664 05,Mar,15 14:55
Tony hawk pro skater games, back in the day on rainy days I used to play those for hours
By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Mar,15 18:22 other posts 
On the ps2 stick in the moon gravity cheat thingy and bust untold amount of tricks! ....perfect rail cheat, find the rail that goes in a circle and just go round and round!

By Sickboy [Ignore] 04,Mar,15 19:20 other posts 
I remember, etch a sketch, Terror Hawk's, Manimal, Fraggle Rock, ....
Oh and Chucky Egg! There's lot's more but I didn't want to go on and on and on and on Ariston
By #444014 05,Mar,15 13:03
Fraggle rock...
By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Mar,15 13:45 other posts 
"look ma I cought a fraggle!"

By #292354 04,Mar,15 23:19
I remember Sonic the Hedgehog, drawing ninja turtles, and playing baseball.

By #316057 04,Mar,15 22:18
only registered users can see external links

By pifad [Ignore] 04,Mar,15 22:07 other posts 
I remember Jacks, Red Light-Green Light, Hide and Seek, riding my bike all day to and from the Wissahickon, catching minnows in a strainer, catching frogs with our bare hands (and no warts).

By #143536 04,Mar,15 18:33
I remember Fisher-Price record players. That's right...RECORD players.
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 04,Mar,15 19:20 other posts 
I remember the 1st album I ever bought was Black Sabbath Paranoid

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 04,Mar,15 09:01 other posts 
I remember Atari 2600
Playing Street Fighter in an Arcade and having to lay your quarters on the machine to reserve your spot
Playing outside all day, not being allowed back in the house until the sun went down(or for lunch)
Surviving wihout a cell phone or electronic gadget
Having to make a collect call lol
Our first computer..The Apple II GS
Jerking off with the other boys and the games that came with it from the neighborhood(which weren't many considering I lived way out in the middle of nowhere)

By #358797 04,Mar,15 04:35
I remember pogs, xanga, milky pens, and when two liters had the black plastic piece at the bottom... Lol.

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