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Just to say.....

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Mar,15 12:21  other posts
Hey mo'fo's what's poppin'

This is just to say......

I was deleted by admin...he stated why and his reasoning behind his decision...

The issue is done for me..admin has no need to explain why to anyone anyway...it is his site...although I disagreed with his decision I totally understand his point of view..so cut him some slack please...

I also have to say thanks to those who spoke to admin on my behalf...I am not naming names...that is not fair to those who wish to stay silent in all this..

And thanks to admin for listening to what those members said.

I am not a saint at all, I am an adult(although others would disagree)...

Adults discuss things and come to an understanding that is mutually beneficial...right and wrong are not really a way to look at the world...positive and negative is a better outlook on life,well for me anyway.....

For those that continue to bring negativity to me in their small minded ways,good luck....there is big wide world out there and you limit yourselves in your thinking by believing 'right and wrong is definitive'....

And for certain members here,get over yourselves,you are not the centre of the universe,you are not a friend to anyone here,only interested in spouting sly little digs based on the personal info you have managed to snoop around for...really a class way to conduct yourselves considering your very high opinion of yourselves.

And when that blows up in your faces and the people you went after have actual real friends,you lash out that everyone else is in the wrong(that word again)....a saying springs to mind here....'you would cut off your nose to spite your face' and you have many faces....

Learn to debate the topic at hand and not the person people..

You never know,you might actually make some real friends if you can do that...

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By #491031 29,Aug,15 08:49

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 27,Mar,15 04:20 other posts 
Hey Alex

By #358797 25,Mar,15 16:14
You tell em, sexy fucker

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Mar,15 15:15 other posts 
Nice to see you again, for real.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 25,Mar,15 14:28 other posts 
Welcome Back! Your post makes a lot of sence and is very true! I just hope the people here are willing to actually be able to read and learn from it. I guess only time will tell!

By #268494 25,Mar,15 13:05

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