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Are we happy for SYD tobecome a site where members can post any image that they want to share.

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Started by Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 05:12  other posts
There is a referral this morning of member Adam01. His page appears, although I am open to correction, to have images of quite a number of different penises. I am sure many members will enjoy looking at that page, there are some excellent images.

But here is my question :- Do we members wish SYD to retain it's original premise of members posting images of their own penis or pussy? OR are we generally happy for members to share any image they have found and like ?

This issue is and always has been clouded by blogs and TGP sites, ownership is not always easy to prove. hence my votes on various occassions. This is meant as a BIG PICTURE thread rather than a details thread. I am just curious to see if there is a consensus.

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By #477073 20,May,15 01:20
i have notice on some members pages that it looks like some pages you see the member is black and they have alot of pics and a few pics look like a white dick. And the other way around for a white person. I always thought you are aloud just pics of yourself not every tom dick and harry's dicks.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,15 01:33 other posts 
Is that a pun? Post pics of yourself, not every Tom, Dick and "Harry"?

There seems to be a number of members that post pictures of their "gf", friend(s), etc. some clothed, some unclothed.

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 11:17 other posts 
Is it just me or has the Abuse Panel gone very quiet?

I have to confess to actually keeping an eye out for 'abuses' since starting this thread. I may be missing things, but I have not come across any glaring problems.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 11:29 other posts 
I'm not sure I understand your post. Are you saying that there is nothing to evaluate and vote upon? Yes, you are correct, nothing to review and vote on in the last 24 hours. Certainly the number of referred profiles is contingent upon how much time is dedicated to the hunt
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 13:07 other posts 
Yes, sorry I wasn't clear. I did mean that there has been nothing to evaluate and vote upon over past day or so. Your reasoning is also correct. I was suggesting that you need to spend considerable time searching to locate members to refer. Time most people don't wish to give.
By #488248 20,Apr,15 10:32
The reason it would have gone quiet is because the main “hound” who detected a fair percentage of the fake accounts received abuse from certain vested interests, those vested interests also were allowing the fakes to slip through.
So the main hound thought there was no purpose in wasting time and effort detecting the fakes, investigating and presenting the evidence which was irrefutable.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 09:26 other posts 
Incorrect statement there Mr Poolboy.

"So the main hound thought there was no purpose in wasting time and effort detecting the fakes, investigating and presenting the evidence which was irrefutable."

The main hound thinks they are the panel...their opinion on whether an account is 'fake' is enough for some..even if it is a 'fake' ,proof is still needed,that isn't the case with said member....

And even when that member has had 'irrefutable evidence' as you put it,in front of them,they get pissy and send pm's to others suggesting they might want to alter their vote,just because who is reporting...

You either apply the rules as you interpret them to all,or you have no place voting.
By #488248 22,Apr,15 13:00
Truth is It does not really matter as to who or what the hounds do, all we need to worry about are our own situations.
All you need to do is concern yourself with your immediate situation, get plenty of s l e e p, work hard, pay your taxes and invest your time and money wisely. And keep up the good work
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Apr,15 16:11 other posts 
I get you are standing up for your buddy...but you know that the main hound does the donkey vote...so it does matter what that hound does...otherwise you wouldn't have done all the things you do to stand up for him....

My immediate situation is the main hound not applying his interpretation of the rules to all....and suggestion to people by pm they may want to consider changing their vote...

As for working hard, ,working smarter is better I find, I pay taxes,so does everyone.

What good work are you referring to ?

At least get the main hound to write something better for you to post
By #316057 20,Apr,15 12:04
Maybe The Person That had many fakes Is Not Here Any More

By #485312 20,Apr,15 08:03
every site is full of fakers, the net breeds them, whether it be posting others pics or taking out of perspective shots of ones own attributes so as to deceive others...when you venture onto sites you should always be wary and not believe a thing till you have the proof to back it...and sometimes people just like living their own fantasy...take it all as a grain of salt unless you want to meet them for real, its a bit hard to hide the truth when your naked in person... *lix*

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 09:28 other posts 
I agree with Andthisisme..This is not a porn site! This is a site where one can meet and maybe start relationships with other guys that love cocks..It is a site where you can meet friends that enjoy mens cocks and share pictures..Posting porn pictures or fake pictures is wrong..When I look at SYD I want to see friends cocks and not porn pictures from internet!
One more item and that is there are alot of single female pictures on the mens site..SYD is just what it means, cocks only!

By #445126 15,Apr,15 07:47
It's an interesting debate. I get accused of being a fake at least once a week by someone because they see pics of me on the net somewhere, Tumblr or the like. I have a Tumblr account where I post many of the pics of myself I post here. To assume that because you run into it out there, it isn't really the person on SYD is a misunderstanding of how quickly these pics can move from place to place on the internet; especially if you have people who follow you in several places.

Personally, I like SYD because it IS a place where 'allegedly' everyone is posting pics of themselves (and maybe with a friends whose permission they have).
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 08:25 other posts 
Is it possible that you are not who you say you are?
By #445126 16,Apr,15 06:15
It's more plausible that I am not who I wish I was!!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Apr,15 07:32 other posts 
Interesting answer! Exactly then, who do you wish you were?

By admin [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 22:18 other posts 
And just to illustrate what idiots come to this site.

I just got an abuse "This is my girlfriend and she is 16 I've already contacted the f.b.I. And state police and the u.s. district attorney's office your page has no scrutiny and will be the example!!"

Abuse was made from the same device as the profile itself in couple of minutes after the profile was last visited. My guess is it's a fake profile run by male, account was registered under email with male name in it and overall was not too articulate. Why he decided to make this abuse I cannot fathom. To check what I would do? Or he wanted to delete the profile and forgot the password? Might just ask me politely.

Photos did not look anything like 16, more like a woman over 35, breast fed couple of kids. But I deleted the profile for obvious reason of being a moron.

This is not how it works. If those photos were really of the 16 y.o, the person who posted those photos would be busted, not me. Also, this is not how it works at all. But I will not teach you how to screw with me.

By admin [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 21:34 other posts 
Just an example:

Reported profile - /member.php?w=487828

Proof: only registered users can see external links

ABUSE HAS NO GROUND 15,Apr 20:16 By K315
I have been private messaging this member. I asked if she could supply a 'verifying' pic of the site name on a piece of paper near her tattoo. She said she wouldn't and then deleted her pics. I do believe the pics weren't of her but now they are gone there is no case for now.

Well, what do you think I would do? Do you really think I would let such account to stick around?

Also, for your entertainment, "she" told him in private that a virus stole photos from her PC and that's why they are uploaded to kodiefiles.nl earlier than here. This is a hot steamy pile of bullshit, if you interested in my opinion. I would delete the account for this statement alone.

ABUSE HAS NO GROUND 15,Apr 20:33 By bella!
I did Google only registered users can see external links and it indicates that it is amateur porn. My GUESS is that the site may be similar to SYD.

Bella - kodiefiles.nl is not a site like SYD, that is a blog where a guy posts "amateur" porn. That is no proof itself, indeed, but those photos in the blog have watermark. If her photos were cropped to leave out the watermark it is a proof. But since K315 allowed "her" to remove those materials, I would never know.

Also, amateurs rarely post large galleries (i.e. set of 40 consequent images in different poses - that is primarily an attribute of commercial "amateur" porn) and real amateur women rarely share photos with face. Indeed those alone cannot be a criteria too, since there are real amateurs who do galleries and show faces, but it all adds up.

That line "If the abuse is not grave please try to convince the member to delete the pics in question before deleting him entirely" is meant for accounts that post their own photos, but sometimes decide to post internet images, or for fresh accounts who did not understand a purpose of the site and started by posting internet porn as internet porn i.e. as "the pics I like". It was never meant to alert dishonest people who start their presence on the site posting internet images right away AS THEIR OWN.

By eduard99 [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 16:53 other posts 
I think an account should only show the body parts of the owner ... and may be parts of other persons if they are marked in a certain way ... for example: "this is ... of my friend tom" ... does anyone agree?

By #261269 15,Apr,15 14:12
I stand by the title of the site,show YOUR dick/pussy, not somebodies on Tumbler, etc
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 16:26 other posts 
i agree, that is definetly why I joined SYD in the first place.

By #443664 14,Apr,15 07:12
Yeah I'm for it as long as they only post sex pics of their own or if it's something else add a comment on the top, for example a pic of Soldier Field and saying 'home of my favorite NFL team'
By skot [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 13:57 other posts 
I agree.

After all the site is called "Show Your ..." not "Generic Web crap".

By #7976 14,Apr,15 19:09
For myself, when I surf the site I'm looking to see photos of real, first person, people and read their information and posts. If I'm lucky, perhaps we can strike up a friendship and enjoy chatting. I have never cared if others put pix that I've seen elsewhere although I'd prefer they didn't. I simply ignore the crap and move on.

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 05:41 other posts 
I have to say that for most of my membership, before the abuse panel was started, that was exactly my view and my reaction. Prior to the panel anything I felt was **** I would report directly to admion who responded very quickly. We have genuine members on here who accidentally post one or two images they shouldn't have and they will respond to a quiet message. There are however sometimes profiles that consist of 100% copyright images they have lifted. Those I see as being 'fake'- a difficult term to define I know - and I would happily delete them.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 08:24 other posts 
We would be ignorant to believe that there aren't more LONG ESTABLISHED profiles that feature a high percentage of uploads elsewhere. Uniform rules and treatment for all members!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 10:24 other posts 
What is uniform rule on a site such as this ?
Are you saying not everyone is treated the same here ?
No shit Sherlock....take a look around.

Different rules apply here...we are guests in admin's house,if people piss in the pool they get dealt with....simple....admin has to look after himself not us...

I guess I am grovelling now,my apologies bella!

So what are your suggestions to improve things for all ?
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 10:37 other posts 
Site Rules Governing Behavior & Interaction with Other Members

By accessing the site, you agree to conduct yourself in an adult manner. This specifically means BEING POLITE TO ALL members in chats and in the discussion forums. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated by any member. If Site Administration is informed of aggressive behavior, we will check the discussion forums and logs. Please ensure that you provide specific examples and remit for review via private message. Site Administration reserves the right to determine what is deemed aggressive behavior on a case by case basis.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 11:51 other posts 
Read it yourself...

By #68656 14,Apr,15 07:00
Just let the fakes over-run the group, who cares a stuff in any case. I no longer could care less as it is just a waste of my time detecting the fakes. Let them flood under the radar and give the members who want to let the fakes through what they want.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 07:49 other posts 

--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

and John, you have to be paid to do it again, never more for free!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 07:54 other posts 
Again, the term fake is being used. What exactly constitutes a 'fake'.

Within the last several days, a number of members have been deleted. There was a referral made of a SYC member whose pictures could be found on RussiaSexyGirls. When you Google RussiaSexyGirls, it clearly states that it is a blog. ADMIN has never been clear on HIS position of pictures found on blogs. Getting back to the recent referral, the SYC member's thumbnail profile indicated that she was from the United States yet there were member(s) that voted ABUSE and to delete based on the door handles and light switches being those that are found in Europe. Is it safe to say that while some members have been quite transparent about who they are by using their real names, posting images that include their faces, etc., there are many members that want to remain more anonymous?

So I get back to my original question and concern, what constitutes a fake? If the evaluation panel is going to vote on deleting members based on being 'fake', is it because of the pictures that they post or whether they lie to members about who they are and where they are from? HECK! Are we really going to delete members based on their truthfulness? That could get wicked messy!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 08:03 other posts 
so even thou this is an ADULT site and we expect to see pictures of COCK and yes I suppose pussy as well..... is it ok for me to remove all but a few pics of my cock and post 30 pictures of my truck----edit------

rant edited as it wouldn't matter
--------------------------------------- added after 64 seconds

I agree with you Bella and my rant was not at you
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 08:09 other posts 
No apology necessary, you are entitled to your opinions.

Show us your truck!
By #480212 14,Apr,15 08:17
Well there you go. As JohnS says Let them overrun the site .He was the only one that cared for the site and wanted to do something about it but was constantly ridiculed and criticized and finally mocked for his efforts and told stop interfering. And that the problem on the site was him . Take note Mr Admin I did predict this happening that one day the patients would take over the hospital.
--------------------------------------- added after 69 minutes

Also JohnS has detected his fair share of underaged kids, **** and even the random rockspider. Do those members who want to see the fakes over-run the group unchecked also want this depravity and sick perverts to flood the group as well.???
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 08:35 other posts 
Yes, I agree that JohnS has always shown concern about SYD/SYC being overrun by fakes however there are a number of members that are concerned that members are being deleted too quickly and without benefit of proving they are not fake. 

It is like the panel members have a 'shoot first, ask questions later' mentality. 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 08:52 other posts 
I disagree, johnS is not the only one who cares about the site. I care about it as do others BUT whilst I respected JohnS for his efforts I reserved the right to disagree. I will happily delete any account where the images are clearly- with proof - stolen, ****, copyright. But I have always expected proof. Just one persons opinion is not proof. An image in a tumblr account tells you nothing about its ownership. i have seen pics of my own in tumblr accounts, that I certainly did not post there. The 'lunatics' as you describe them are seeking fairness for all members.
--------------------------------------- added after 90 minutes

Actually my comment here is missing my original point which was, do the general membership want and feel comfortable with people posting images other than of themselves. That was my initial point.
By #68656 14,Apr,15 09:31
So what, let them seek all they like. Who cares anyway.

After quite some time of sniffing out obviously fake accounts the hounds are resting. Also just for interest they have detected their share of perverts and inappropriate material such as images showing best1ality, several rockspiders and under-ag-ed k1ds. But who cares about that.????

And to the arrogant individual who sent me the messages a few days ago, the flawed logic and twisted psychology was academically interesting but with the greatest of respect you can go to blazes and take the fat thug with you.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 09:51 other posts 

All what you say is done by other members here anyway,do they want a pat on the back for spotting a dubious account...you are the one who actively hunts members who have annoyed you,not anyone else....get over yourself John....
You still cannot answer me directly.
Why the need to do this in public ?

Why haven't you posted the comments I made to you in the forum ?
Yes I am arrogant,but only when I deal with people like you..
I KNOW MYSELF ,so you can point my flaws out all day long,it really doesn't matter,can you not see that ?

And man up and talk to me in private,stop with the high school shit...he said this,he said that...until you talk in private to someone about what you think of them....you are a gossip....
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes

And I don't know any fat thugs....if that is aimed at who I think it is...

Let me tell you a few home truths.

That thug has done more in two days for this site than what you can ever achieve...he is an awesome bloke who can admit his mistakes,that shows character...he is caring,positive,reflective,loyal,dedicated..just an all round top bloke who has diffused a lot of crap here in previous years without the need to advertise it.
I could go on...don't start trying to make someone out to be what they are not.....maybe you need to look at yourself before you dish such crap out....
By #68656 14,Apr,15 10:36
Why do you assume that I was referring to you.?? Also could you tell us who the "fat thug" is or whom you assume that individual to be.?? What are the attributes of that individual ??
Could making threats and publishing details of other members be seen as attributes.?? What has this individual done in two days.?? As you correctly state I have done nothing for this group, a fact many members will attest.
Secondly is the post below aimed at a respected, longstanding member in the best interests of this group.??? That member has done more for this group than most.


“I have an idea for a competition....

How long can this member /member.php?w=228621 keep their noses out of others business ?

Put me down for 30 seconds....

Why do you need to tell everyone that a member returned ?
Ever consider that some people keep leaving and coming back because of nosy fuckers ?

Can you discuss anything apart from others actions here,or what the weather was like where you are,or some useless 'special' day ?....
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 10:48 other posts 
Whatever John..at least bella can pm me to discuss something even if we disagree most of the time...

Don't bring others into things...

Rally support John....don't whine about shit then expect support from those who you hold in contempt....remember all the things you said about them and what you said that they needed ?

You lack the balls to say it to me in pm....why the need to air all this in public....oh yeah,to show everyone what I am like.....people can make their own minds up here....stop telling them how to think......

And to andthisisme, I apologise for this crap overtaking part of your thread...
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 14:59 other posts 
alexblue, it is sad that you 'lack the balls' to say most things to me via a private message.

It is pleasant to see you apologize to Andthisisme for crapping up his thread.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 15:00 other posts 
I can say it to you in private,but you will drag it into the forum anyway...so I will just post it here....thanks for the concern though...

Andthisisme posted a valid question and it got sidetracked by personal issues....so I felt an apology is appropriate..

You are more than happy for your threads to have lots of drama....

'I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.'

What thread is that from ?.....pfft....

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 15:31 other posts 
That's is from the RANDOM BULLSHIT..... thread.

Many months ago, I said what I had to say to you via private message. You did not respond well....
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

blah, blah, blah..... yourself. Your statement is only based on speculation.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 15:48 other posts 
Missing the sarcasm there I guess...lol

And why do you think I didn't respond well ?

You didn't say what you had to say to me,you let me do the talking and called me a strange little man....I called you out on things and you didn't react well either...it's all about you here, see how this exchange has become about you now ?

Get over yourself....
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

which statement?..what speculations have I made ?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 10:37 other posts 
Debate the topic is a difficult concept sometimes for some..
It turns into the rants and raves section of craigslist most of the time....

I think the new 'REVENGE PORN LAW' will probably stop sites such as this anyway,we all want what's best for the site but I see it struggling with that law coming into effect in England and Wales...it has a knock on effect to other countries...so I really dislike saying this,but I think more accounts will get deleted if their pictures are found on the sources you state....
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 11:00 other posts 
Sadly you are right about the rants. I deliberately attempted to make this a big picture issue but the result has been sadly predictable.

Posting a pic of another person without their consent is totally unacceptable to me, be it revenge Porn or just plain boasting.
By admin [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 11:40 other posts 
"Revenge porn" laws already exist in several countries and in 16 states of USA. Even without them, there were cases when people served time in prison under previously existing laws regarding identity theft and defamation for posting other people's nude materials. Revenge porn laws only simplify prosecution in some cases, but don't change the game much. I repeat, even without those laws you can go into prison in many countries under laws of identity theft and/or defamation for posting other people's nude photos without their consent, even if you take them from the net.

I tried to explain this to all of you several times, but most of you seem to not care until police comes knocking on your own door.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Apr,15 13:01 other posts 
Of course admin...you know better than me in regards to those existing laws across the globe,you are a webmaster of an international site and have to keep track of such things.

I was just referring to the fact that the 'revenge porn law' is,as you say simplifying prosecution,so for those in England and Wales it is a bit easier to have a course of action to pursue if you feel you are a victim of 'revenge porn'
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 08:20 other posts 
Grovel, grovel, grovel, suck up, suck up, suck up.......
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 09:44 other posts 
By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Apr,15 09:53 other posts 
How is your comment relevant to mine ?

And care to explain why you see my comments as grovelling ?

I know nothing of being a webmaster or international law...
so admin knows that better than me...

So you see that as grovelling I guess....

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