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ratings on games

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #204766 [Ignore] 17,Apr,15 00:40
Just putting it out there how do some games get an 18 rating and some do not

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By #358797 17,Apr,15 20:34
Games? You've confused me.
By #85103 17,Apr,15 20:39
I'm glad you said that coz I am too, but didn't want to say anything in case I offended him. He's a nice guy
By #358797 17,Apr,15 22:53
Haha. Luckily he was talking about something I can actually conversate about... At first I had no clue what he meant.
By #204766 18,Apr,15 01:42
I do apologise if I was confusing with my post
By #358797 18,Apr,15 02:22
It's all good. I gotcha now
By #204766 17,Apr,15 21:15
As in video games
By #358797 17,Apr,15 21:33
Oh.... Content ratings.... After so many swear words they gotta bump the rating up, same with violent content, sexual content and references...
--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds

What system do you play? Lol.
By #204766 17,Apr,15 21:35
Xbox 360
By #358797 17,Apr,15 21:52
Ah. I'm a PlayStation girl.
By #204766 17,Apr,15 21:53
Ok so have you heard of gears of war
By #358797 17,Apr,15 22:45
Yep. My bro.ther is obsessed with it.
By #204766 17,Apr,15 21:38
By #204766 17,Apr,15 21:52
Do you play video games
By #358797 17,Apr,15 22:47
Yep. I do.
By #358797 17,Apr,15 22:49
Got any favorite genres of game?
By #204766 18,Apr,15 01:41
Rpg or guitar hero but any way here is my point gears of war 18 certificate but call of duty only a16 yet it is violent as fuck
By #358797 18,Apr,15 02:24
Cool. Survival horror, tps, fps, RPG and mmo here. Lol.

Is it a difference in the country maybe? Cuz I have COD:BO, BO2, MW3 & Ghosts and they all have a M on the box...
By #204766 18,Apr,15 02:39
Nah ghosts is violent like when you can.stab them in the neck
By #358797 18,Apr,15 03:50
Yeah, I'm just confused as to why it'd have a lower rating there.
By #204766 18,Apr,15 23:55

By #132188 18,Apr,15 01:31
I love loading my commodore 16, putting the tape in and typing a dos command to play pong..... yeah baby. Was no rating system in them days
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Apr,15 09:22 other posts 
Atari 800xl for me bro...still had pong...
Pole position....8-bit cartridges...I think..

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