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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by routemaster [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 07:23  other posts
Hi admin, I was looking for your "things we like and don't like" topic but it seems to have disappeared. I just had some more thoughts regarding votes for people's pics. I've just happily spent some points voting for pics that have turned me on (and spent 20 opening this topic too!) and I think it would be nice if there could be some way of showing who has voted HOT (NOT is another ball game). Its nice to get compliments AND votes but its only us through our Points Log who know who has voted. I think it would be nice for other people viewing pics to know who has voted too

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Similar topics: 1.Auto logout...Question for Admin.   2.Polling : What A Greeat Idea   3.QUESTION FOR ADMIN   4.WTH?   5.Pics  

By #485312 11,Sep,16 22:48
admin... is there any way that the people who have friended you can be sorted in alphabetic order ??? the ones where both have friended each other is sorted that way, but the ones that l haven't friended back because of the limits is random...*lix*

By #428053 27,Aug,15 10:02
Hi Admin: this question relates to a problem I have. For privacy reasons I only use an older IPad 1. It works for most everything I like to do on SYD. A few months ago (again for personal reasons) I temporarily deleted my account. I later re-registered my account using the same account name. I was able to restore all my previous posts and photos. The one thing that I have been unable to do is create an Avatar with a photo instead of the common generic figure? I've tried every type of cut and paste etc., but to no avail. When I get to the page asking me to select the computer file from my computer (IPad), the area that I am supposed to enter the JPG file is "grayed" and I can't paste the desired JPG file to use for an Avatar. I can paste the file name in other functions, such as posting the photo in a comment, etc. , so SYD seems to be able to find and retrieve the file (photo), I just can't use it for an Avatar?
By admin [Ignore] 27,Aug,15 10:30 other posts 
The script there is the same as for posting general images. How did you manage to upload photos? Via mail?

It's a problem of Apple products, not supporting conventional upload forms. I suppose you can still use Opera browser on IPad. It should support upload forms as far as I know.

By #460385 26,Aug,15 09:35
I would like for people who are members that have an IP address to not be able to send messages or comments under anonymous. I understand that non members make comments and you can't stop that. But for members, let these cowards make their nasty comments and be brave enough to admit who they are. Also, I would like to be able to delete msgs off of our Private Messages page. Not delete or ban members. Just to delete to keep the clutter off of the page. Thanks.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 10:30 other posts 
You can go to /editsettings.php and set "Comments Mode" to "member only" then anonymous messages cannot be posted on your pages anymore. As for other members pages that's for them to decide.

You people befuddle me. I understand that you might not have found that page in menu, but if you simply click on "anonymous" link you will get the page where it is said in red - You can always disable anonymous comments on your pages in Your Account Options (change "comments mode"), and there is a link to /editsettings.php under it. I'm not sure how you expect me do things here if you are not curious enough to discover what's in one click away. I cannot put everything on the same page, it would be a total mess.

Deleting messages is not possible because they belong both to you and your correspondent. I can make an option to hide them from the page until new messages arrive. But it does not make much sense to me. I don't understand what exactly bothers you. You just like to see an empty page? Or may be you don't like to see messages from random people and only wish to keep a track on your friends? Making "hide" button on each entry just does not seem ergonomic, making hide on every chat message seems even more stupid. If you explain me what you truly do not like there then may be I can do something about it.
By #460385 26,Aug,15 12:34
I understand that when anonymous comments are made to my page or on my pics. That anonymous will be in blue which allows me to click on it and possibly see a few members that it may be. Which in our case has not worked. However, what this particular anonymous is doing is waiting for my wife or I to comment on a members pic. Then they will reply to our comment on the other members pic. Which turns the anonymous on my side black which I cannot click on at that point. By changing my settings to members only will this stop the anonymous replies through others pics. Sorry for my ignorance.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 12:57 other posts 
Other members may want anonymous comments. I made a survey about that before making it the way it is, many people are against blocking anonymous comments completely. Blocking it on your pages won't block it on pages of other members, indeed.

However I see no difference, anyone can register on this site and make comments, it's not like it requires phone number to verify or their photo ID or something like that, so every member is in fact anonymous. And it's pretty much the same - if a registered member replies to your comments, you can block them on your pages, but you cannot block them on other members pages. It's up to those members there, not to you.

I cannot block crazy people from this site completely and even if I could they would still find some way to molest you, anonymous or not. Simple scenario, for example: they register another account, pretend to be your friend, get some private info about you and then find you on facebook or other social network and write to your friends or work colleagues about your activities here.

I've been saying this for years - the best way to deal with trolls is to completely ignore them. They don't get any reaction - they drop out. This may take more time with some than with others but eventually this always works.
By #460385 26,Aug,15 13:07
Thank you
By admin [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 13:21 other posts 
And by the way I updated the script so that anonymous posters cannot reply to you on other people's pages if you block them on yours. But they can still write a comment next to yours without using reply button, indeed.
By #460385 27,Aug,15 10:05

By routemaster [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 02:29 other posts 
Hi again admin, when I send private pics of my ass to friends, despite sending them in the correct asses category, when the pic goes through it very often says "photo of a dick" at the top. If I ensure I place them in the asses category, then shouldn't it say "photo of a man's ass"?
By admin [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 10:11 other posts 
Categories do not matter for private pics.
By routemaster [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 10:56 other posts 
I understand that, admin, but surely if the private pic is of an ass, it shouldn't say its a pic of a dick, just looks a bit weird to me when it does.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 11:13 other posts 
Then may be you should write something in the field "Title or comment" when uploading the pic. How about writing "this is an ass" there next time?

However, I made a correction, now it should say just "private pic" for private uploads...
By routemaster [Ignore] 26,Aug,15 11:16 other posts 
Now why didn't I think of that?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Thanks again, admin, for going to that trouble, TRULY appreciated

By Greenman1968 [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 22:34 other posts 
Would it be possible to create a separate page for couples.

By _avg_ [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 17:44 other posts 
I don't want to pile on too much, but since I'm here...

Can you add a feature to the forums that allows a member to see whether they've posted on a thread?
By admin [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 14:53 other posts 
I don't understand. Do you want notifications in your private messages when reply to your post or comment occurs? Or do you want threads with new replies since your last visit change color? Last is pretty simple if your browser support common specs, I just made it.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 23:02 other posts 
Something in the forum itself -- maybe a mark next to the link (one site I'm on shows your avatar next to those threads) -- or something that makes it easily identifiable as a thread I've posted in.

Thank you
By admin [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 00:00 other posts 
Ok you have it now, near the comment number. Or should I have put it in front of the title?
By _avg_ [Ignore] 21,Aug,15 00:10 other posts 
Wow, awesome!! Thank you very much!!

Since the title can contain an asterisk, probably better to leave it where it is...

By #358729 20,Aug,15 13:52
Would it be possible to have the reply option also available on the recent comments list instead of having to open the pic first & then replying? Also would it be possible to see messages you've sent to people who have not replied back to you yet? Right now the only way you can see if you've messaged them is to view their page & choose to send another private message. Thanks.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 14:20 other posts 
This might help you out.

When you open your Private Message options and at the top, you will find the option to change your message to Old Style;


Once you tap on that, another screen will pop up and provide you with the option to view members who you have recently contacted as well as members who have recently contacted you. I hope that helps.

By admin [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 15:40 other posts 
Actually you do not need to open old version to open that page. It's under [Contact list] on the main version page.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 17:19 other posts 
Haha! I didn't know that, thank you!

What does (NR) after the name mean?
By admin [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 17:26 other posts 
It's written there, near the top. (ordered by time, recent first. NR means there was no reply from you or the receiver)

It's not 100% accurate since there is no way to know for sure if the last message really needed reply. But in general it shows if you did not reply to incoming message (if it's in the left column) or the member you wrote to did not reply to you (if it's in the right column).
By #358729 20,Aug,15 18:18
I didn't know that either. Thank you both. This is very helpful. Would still
Iike too see a reply option on the recent comments page if possible.
By admin [Ignore] 20,Aug,15 19:05 other posts 
Not a problem, I just made it, since it was already made on another page, but the commentary system was not developed to make comments without reloading the page. So, you will be redirected from recent comments to the image page anyway. I doubt this will be comfortable for you.

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 09:29 other posts 
Yes, apparently he removed his last post on what it is that we like or don't like about the site.

If you don't mind, routemaster, I would like to add a couple of things that I didn't think about at the time but I think might be a good feature.

1. Something at the top of your profile or by your membership rating ( smiley face ), how long you've been a member. In my case, it would read 01/2012. Heck, that general information is on credit cards and even on my AAA ( automobile insurance ) card.

2. The [notes] feature needs to be tweaked a little bit and I know I would definitely use it. Here's an example of how I might be more apt to use it. Today I made 5 or 6 comments and voted HOT on one member's pictures. The member visited my page but apparently chose not to say anything. Using the [notes] feature, I might make a note to myself that the member does not acknowledge comments/votes so that in the future, I may choose not to comment on that member's pictures. What's the point of having a [notes] feature if it is only useful when you visit that member's profile. Did that make sense?
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 09:54 other posts 
I removed the post since it outgrew it's usefulness.

If you need to see notes on "who visited your page" list you should have just said so. It's no biggie, I'll make it.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 10:09 other posts 
Thank you for your response.

No, I would like the notes, my notes to pop up any time I might interact with or comment on that particular member's pictures.
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 10:22 other posts 
If you explain me how to do this without encumbering the view yet so that at least 5% of users are able to find it I'll make it. But I also need a list of pages where you want it. I'm not gonna add it everywhere, since for example in chat this would create excessive server load.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 11:14 other posts 
I'm sorry, I am not tech smart so I really don't know. Maybe if "you" wrote notes on this member there could be a way to highlight their screen name some way with maybe an asterisk of a different color. Again, I am not technologically smart.
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 11:25 other posts 
It's not a technical question. It's a question of representation and usability. Asterisk is not a bad idea, though there are other ways. But I still need a list of pages where you want it.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 12:56 other posts 
I guess I would like to see the screen name populated in a unique manner so that when I am specifically commenting on pictures, it will alert me that I've made some type of notes on this member.
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 13:03 other posts 
So, it's only about pages with uploaded photos then?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 14:18 other posts 
Yes, I guess.
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 14:26 other posts 
Ok, you've got it. Not much of a problem then, plenty of space there. It will be shown near "New Comment" so that you can see it if you decide to comment.
By #485312 18,Aug,15 06:52
admin, would you be able to put the 'notes' on the top of the private chat page under the users name or near the chat box, so l can see what lve written about them without having to open their page to know who lm talking to...ld like to see what l think about them there before writing to this able to be done???...*lix*
By admin [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 09:11 other posts 
You've got it. If there are notes they will appear instead of the warning about adblock.
By #485312 18,Aug,15 09:27
thanks so much, that's awesome, l just noticed it, so much easier than waiting for the members page to open up...youre a doll, saves my bandwidth and will make it so much quicker to get through the mail *lix*

By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 09:47 other posts 
Votes are not stored else than in points log and records from points log are deleted after 10 days. So this information does not exist retrospectively.

I can add a table for this and it will be stored from now on, and it's not a big job to do, probably just 20-30 minutes all scripts included. But this will eventually consume essential disc space. It's all numbers and this one will be proportional to pics count multiplied by members count, not linear growth. I always try to avoid making those best I can.

Since no one else asked for this in all the years I assume it's not that important to members here, so I'd rather not do this.
By routemaster [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 13:23 other posts 
OK, admin, thanks for replying, it was only a thought I had. If you prefer not to do this, then I'll go along with that but I'm still glad I asked
By admin [Ignore] 17,Aug,15 13:29 other posts 
You are always welcomed to give suggestions. I can not make everything, but I will give a thought to every of members proposals best I can. Sometimes they give me totally new ideas or make me better see what people want from this site.
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Aug,15 07:01 other posts 
Thanks admin, if I think of anything else for the site, I'll let you know! I LOVE being a part of it

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