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going on a cruise, what are the pick up signs?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #248658 [Ignore] 15,Sep,15 21:06
With 3600 passengers, there bound to be more than a few bi men on board. In case I see one, what am I looking for? Grab of the crouch area, and if they respond, strike up a conversation.? If a opportunity arose, I wouldn't mind a good oral swap.

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By spermkiss [Ignore] 15,Sep,15 21:15 other posts 
Well, as a gay man who has been on more than twenty cruises I'm happy to fill you in.

First of all, the cruise lines have discovered that gay men and lesbians are some of their best customers. After all, by and large we are DINKs (double income, no kids) so we have discretionary income for thinks like travel. So they announce LBGT get-togethers on board, usually in one of the bars. Check the onboard newsletter for the time and place.

Secondly, use your gaydar. As the old saying goes we gay and bi men can always spot each other. So even without the LBGT get-togethers, you'll be able to spot other fellow travelers.

Have fun.
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Whoops, a typo slipped in. I wrote "thinks like travel" and of course I meant "things like travel".
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,15 21:49 other posts 
More than twenty cruises!? I'm envious, I would like to do a cruise but I get seasick. 😨

My little s1ster has been on several cruises and has assured me that they are NOT for me. I will take her advice.......

Not to hijack his thread but where have you gone? In your opinion, do you have a favorite line or registry?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 16,Sep,15 01:21 other posts 
Favorite line, Holland America, without a doubt. Princess is good on one of their two small ships (750 passengers). Crystal is nice but awfully pricey. Celebrity has gorgeous ships but they are bigger than I like.

Where have I gone? Trans-Atlantic four times, once South America to Africa then thru the strait of Gibraltar to Rome, once Florida to northern Europe, once UK to New York but way in the North Atlantic by way of Scotland, Iceland and Greenland, once Barcelona to Florida. Southeast Asia twice, once Singapore to Hong Kong, once round trip Singapore with ports in Indonesia. Alaska. Caribbean. Florida home to San Francisco thru the Panama canal. South America around Cape Horn. Santiago, Chile up the coast of South, Central and North America to San Francisco. Trans-Pacific from Osaka, Japan to Vancouver calling a one port in far east Russia and ports on the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska mainland. New England and eastern Canada in the fall, a leaf peeper cruise. South Pacific twice, both times round trip from Sydney. Perhaps others I don't remember right now.

Tips on cruising.

Go for a small to midsize ship, which is one reason I like Holland America. You get to know the other passengers. By the end of the cruise you have at least a nodding acquaintance with most of them, and some you know rather well. Avoid the big ships. I've been on mega-ships and met people on the first day of the cruise and never saw them again.

If you want the best value for the money, go for a repositioning cruise. That's where the line is moving the ship from one part of the world to another and they cut the price to fill up the ship. How do you spot them? If it's one departure only and the end of the season where the cruise begins and the beginning of the season where the cruise ends, then it's a repositioning cruise. Examples: In the fall from Pacific northwest (end of the season for Alaska) down the west coast to south America (beginning of the season there) or thru the Panama canal to the Caribbean (again beginning of the season). Vice versa in the spring. In the spring from Florida or the Caribbean (end of the season) across the Atlantic to Europe (beginning of the season). Vice versa in the fall.

Well, I've kinda blabbed on here. Send me a PM if you want more.
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By the way, I get seasick, too, but I don't let that stop me. Rough seas really don't happen all that often and it's rarely a problem.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,15 17:15 other posts 
It sounds like you've been on some great cruises, seen some fantastic places and have wonderful memories/photos. I've always been curious, the ancient stone penis picture on your page, were you there, did you take that picture?

Tell the truth.....once you're home and unpacked, are you already planning for your next adventure?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 17,Sep,15 12:41 other posts 
Well, as the header on that photo says, it's an Inca temple to the penis in Peru. Yes, I was there, and yes, I took that picture.

There Incas were a very lusty people and there is a lot of surviving Inca erotic art in museums in Peru. Couples in coital congress and even threesomes of one man and two ladies, his penis in one vagina and his tongue in another. Unfortunately much of this art was destroyed by the invading Spanish. But fortunately some survived.
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Now your second question about whether we start planning our next trip as soon as we are unpacked. No, not usually. Our next trip is usually planned even before we leave. For example in October (next month!) we're going to Hong Kong and a trip to Hawaii is already booked in December. We're looking ahead to next spring/summer and thinking about trips then.
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In July, 2014, we had an eight day tour of you lovely home state of Michigan. It began in Traverse City, then went north to Mackinac Island. Two nights in the stately Grand Hotel (the longest front porch in the world). South to Dearborn and The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. Alas only half a day in each when one could easily spend three days in each.

Michigan was delightful in the summer, but I'm not sure I could take your harsh winters. I had quite enough of that in my old home town of Cincinnati and since you're farther north, your winters are probably worse.

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