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Rudeness in the Forum

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by JustWill [Ignore] 29,May,16 16:37  other posts
Not the mean, insulting, bickering, "I've had a bad day, so I want you to have a bad day, too" types of rudeness that happen here.
That's never going to change because people are...well...people.
Besides, other members can see that shit when you post it, so it will eventually come back to haunt you.

Nope, I'm talking about the OTHER kind of rudeness.
The sneaky, cowardly, "I don't have the balls/ovaries to take the heat for the stupid thing I posted" kind.

Specifically: Going back and editing your original post so that it says something totally different AFTER others have commented on your initial statement.

That's just RUDE (and chickenshit).

We're not talking about going back and fixing a spelling or word choice error, or adding a word or two for the sake of clarification.
That's cool (and I wish that MORE people would actually take the time to do that.)

I mean editing to change what you said COMPLETELY.

Sure, doing so gives you the ability to claim that "they are all picking on me" or just plain deny the idiotic thing you posted, but it's still totally RUDE.

If you're going to run your keyboard around here, have the stones (and the self-respect) to OWN your words!

Thank you for your cooperation.

Hugs and stuff,


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By #415959 29,May,16 18:50
Is that a Kitchen Aid Toaster up your bend over, or the much more abrasive Hamilton Beach model?
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,May,16 10:23 other posts 
That's that first kinda rude I mentioned, Mr. Snarky-Pants.
By #460385 30,May,16 12:03
Ha.... Chickenshits. Not me, I've had several b-lood pressure rising rants in this forum. But I stand behind my stupid words.

By #496814 29,May,16 16:54
Edit: Hey Will!
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,16 17:22 other posts 
Filly, what did you originally post?
By #496814 29,May,16 17:27
No one knows!
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,16 17:38 other posts 
Oh, okay.

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