I got tired of people that confront other people and then complain to me when it does not work their way.
From now on you are free to write in forum, blogs and chat whatever you wish. Unless it's really aggressive. Because that's what actually rules say. I don't know why I've been trying to babysit you all this time. You are supposed to be adults and if you want to call someone dog sucker you should not be insulted when that someone calls you cunt back.
Aggressive behavior is when you threaten someone's life or their relatives life. That's il1egal so I can't allow this.
But from now on I will not interfere if you want to throw your monkey crap into each other. Don't come complaining that you were insulted.
I can still move some threads into dumpster and can still ban/block people if I find their advances distasteful. Don't expect I will not ban you because I was nicely answering your questions. I can ban/block you just because I woke up in a bad mood. Don't expect any explanation. Don't try to reason with me or tell me what my job on this site is.
Have fun.
**** = h a t e
just my weird humor....
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
it's no different than when an OBVIOUSLY **** b0y comes on here posting pictures.... and all these guys are on it like white on rice.... and then get pissed when it is reported and the b0y is gone.... and when you try to explain that the b0y was ****... THEY ATTACK YOU... lol
* U N D E R A G E.....
--------------------------------------- added after 80 seconds
I can't take another pussy pic montage.
If the member had their wherewithal, they might reach out to admin to explain what happened, that they created a second account because they forgot the password to the original account and ask admin for guidance. To assume that the the "first/original" profile should be deleted via the evaluation panel isn't logical to me. Here's my thoughts....why wouldn't the voting panel believe that the second profile created was created by someone "stealing" another member's pictures? If we are looking at it objectively, we should notice which profile was created first, thereby being the original. Logically speaking, the profile posting with current dates, in my opinion, would be the imposter. The evaluation panel does not have the tools available or the extensive investigative skills that admin possesses.
Clearly, my vote was based on which profile was created first and I can only assume that the second profile could be the imposter OR a member who forgot a password.
note that login is independent for dick and cunt sites - even if you are logged in with one of them, you may need to login with another
Login Name:
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EU "Cookies" Law compliance: We use cookies for authorization (means that you can be recognized as a specific member) and storing your preferences.
By logging into website, you agree that we can place some types of cookies on your computer or mobile device.
We also collect user IP information in order to be able to report users that try to make something **** to the authorities.
If you have a problem with this - close this page and never come back.
Register / Restore Password
I reported it because it doesn't appear to be a forgot my password scenario. It appears to be multiple and/or a fake account. I see nothing was done in regards to it. It also makes it hard to respond to voting members once the report is made. If there was indeed a restore password option I fail to see how this user couldn't get back into the Site and why play off of two accounts?
The member was not playing off of two accounts, when he returned in December, 2015, he only used one.
As to the way it was reported. There is no button or option for "multiple accounts".
His points came from collecting boobs by the way, still don't know what was the purpose of this activity. But since you exposed him, I deleted all three accounts for obvious site rules violation.
Usually it's no big deal, but some people were registering literally hundred of accounts for imitation of support in chat and forum (I mean when main account writes something and several fakes agree) and they had to be dealt with. It was just getting too ridiculous.
I never ban accounts that belong to couples, indeed, disregarding that they are usually flagged by the system as duplicate.
Now that has been cleared, please start talking about wet pussies. I quite like the taste most of the times!
You can't step into the same river twice, get over it. Old chat is not coming back no matter what I do. Those times and people are gone forever. It just won't be the way you remember it.
Also, in these years I've learned some things about humans that I did not know before. To be short - they are irrational, they can't organize well against evil and over all they are simply stupid monkeys despite their appearance and abilities. Some things I learned from the sites I run, but mostly from some scientific researches on human evolution and intrinsic behavior.
So now I understand that chat without supervision works as a negative selection mechanism - it scares off all nice people and leaves most aggressive. And "aggressive" does not mean bold and strong in this case, it simply means abusive and with high tolerance to abuse, and not necessarily in general but in this case mostly stupid and disgusting. The nature of this site does not have anything to do with it, I've had similar chats on a site dedicated to politics and the results were eventually the same. Just took longer to achieve them.
Mechanics that I try to add for regulation like ban/ignore button do not work because of human specifics. Stupid people don't even notice them. Nice people prefer to do not participate than to use them. And both rather expect some higher power to intervene then to take matters into their own hands. This was an eye opener for me by the way, I understood a lot about modern democracy.
And I can't monitor it all the time or read the logs every day and analyze it - it's just way below my intellect. So, I just don't see any way it could work not as a collector of most abusive and idiotic people.
this is nothing but your personal social experiment....
no insult intended.... just an observation
"Also, in these years I've learned some things about humans that I did not know before. To be short - they are irrational, they can't organize well against evil and over all they are simply stupid monkeys despite their appearance and abilities. Some things I learned from the sites I run, but mostly from some scientific researches on human evolution and intrinsic behavior."
I do not see why I should be ashamed of this or deny it.
That being said, social sciences are not my field of education or professional expertise. I did not make this site to conduct social experiments on people. Not even a slightest thought about this occurred to me at the moment I decided to make it. I only wanted money. And it was not even intended as social site then. All I wanted is to get it up in google by penis words trying to sell penis enlargement and erection pills via ads. It did not work that way, I had to change the site into something different.
As for why I read works on human behavior - it's just something that started bothering me with age. I want to know why the world around me is so fucked up. This interest was not inspired by this site.
It usually works to get it up by using erection pills. But I doubt you need google for it.
There's another member who frequently takes pot shots at me and decided to call me a "cunt" in the forum. I believe that quite some time ago, admin said we needed to be "nice" in the public areas, chat and even on the Big Br0ther's House anonymous message board.
When a member took an opportunity to try to twist my blog to make it appear that I was an intolerant racist, I took the same opportunity to point out that the member contradicted themselves and was truly a racist. To which I was called a "cunt". If I'm required to maintain civility, I would anticipate that other members are required, too.
Yes, I was 1 party that did exchange of messages with admin. Although I might me a source of "emotional pain" or whatever you choose to call my concerns, he should be open to receive them and show no partiality.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
Stay sexy
Just to bring you up to speed, there was a member who posted a silly poem about another member and this poem was posted as a blog. Aparently, the other member was insulted about the poem and "whinged" to admin and the posting member was requested to remove said poem. You would think that a "whingey" member ( that is a real word, no? ) who is that delicate, would be more sensitive to other's feelings, BUT NO! Apparently, they feel it's okay, that THEY are exempt from name calling.
- whinge. (wĭnj, hwĭnj) intr.v. whinged, whing·ing, whing·es Chiefly British. To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.
Please note that it indicates "chiefly British".
Now, in the context of "whinging poms", what is a pom?
The terms Pommy, Pommie and Pom, in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand usually denotes an English person (or, less commonly, people from other parts of the UK).[6] The Oxford Dictionary defines their use as "often derogatory"[7] but after complaints to the Australian Advertising Standards Board regarding five advertisements poking fun at "Poms", the board ruled in 2006 that these words are inoffensive, in part because they are "largely used in playful or affectionate terms".[8] The New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority made a similar ruling in 2010.[9] Despite these rulings, the terms are considered offensive and derogatory by many British, regardless of context.
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