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Gym change room

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #516927 [Ignore] 26,Jul,16 10:42
When I get changed and shower at my gym, EVERY BODY stares...about 1/3 times, someone will get hard and start stroking by the site of my question is...does this happen at ALL gyms? or just my gym? Are all men perhaps a little bit curious deep down? or is my gym a beat?

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By #93 26,Jul,16 11:00
I just think you are fantasising!
By #516927 26,Jul,16 11:28
considering a dude looked at my cock and licked his lips, and nodded in the direction of a private cubical not sure its in my head.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 01,Aug,16 12:16 other posts 
Yes, yes, yes! Answer that question. Did you go? I sure hope so.
By #516927 05,Aug,16 13:50
I watched him wank for a bit but left as it was too crowded
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Aug,16 12:06 other posts 
" was too crowded." I am presuming you mean the locker room/shower was too crowded and not the cubicle. So does that mean that you would have gone if there hadn't been all those others around to see you do it? Come on, man, let the others know you're a player.

By furluvr [Ignore] 06,Aug,16 01:27 other posts 
Yeah, if I saw you naked in the locker room or shower, I would stare. I would memorize every detail to use in a fantasy later.

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 07:46 other posts 
If I saw this in the locker room... I'd want to do more than just stare...

[deleted image]
By #85576 30,Jul,16 09:24
By #516927 30,Jul,16 14:10
By tb1 [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 01:13 other posts 
Definitely worth a glimpse or two or three or 4..............etc.

By #363802 30,Jul,16 19:24
Honestly,can you blame them for staring at your beautiful piece of meat? My only question is,where is your Gym? Because I would LOVE to sign up and go when your there!
By #516927 31,Jul,16 00:23
Hahahaha thank you so much!!!
By #363802 31,Jul,16 01:07
My pleasure! Nice dick you have there!

By spermkiss [Ignore] 26,Jul,16 11:27 other posts 
I sorta doubt all gyms are like this, you just happened upon a good one.

So here's what you should do: Maximize the time you are nude. Take off you street clothes as soon as you get there and postpone putting on you gym clothes as long as possible. After your work out do the opposite. Enjoy the attention. Put on a little show by getting a semi or even a standing up and throbbing hard-on. Perhaps do a little stroking. Or even make it part of your routine to jack off in the shower after your work out. After a work out many (most!) men would like to finish up by exercising their love muscle. But they're too shy to do it. Get the ball rolling (so to speak) by showing them how it's done. Others will join in. I guarantee it. A nice circle jerk in the shower would be a good addition to going to the gym.

To answer you question about whether all men are a bit curious, well, ALL MEN like to look at other men's dicks. It's a guy thing. Whether that curiosity goes beyond looking, is open to question. There are some men, not many, but some, who are so absolutely heterosexual that they could never have any contact with another man under any circumstances. But most could with the right man in the right situation.
By #516927 26,Jul,16 11:30
this is such a good answer dude! thanks a lot! I always have a semi in the shower so that explains all the staring.
By tb1 [Ignore] 26,Jul,16 13:09 other posts 
jayjay you possess such a gr8 dick I can understand why the guys are so interested. Some might be all over it if you get them alone in the shower or sauna
By spermkiss [Ignore] 26,Jul,16 18:12 other posts 
"I always have a semi in the shower..." Man, kick it up a couple notches by getting a standing up hard-on and stroking out a load. I know you want to. Do it.
By #511804 30,Jul,16 21:21
That is how back when boys showered in school you got to compare and see for the most part you are normal.

Now so many young guys no longer use public showers. The are worried about gay men. There have always been gay men in public showers. They have always looked like everyone else. No one cared since you were there to get clean.

Now most men get there input from media and porn which seldom shows the normal. If leaves men with a distorted view of what normal men really do look like nude.

By #511804 30,Jul,16 21:15
The locker room at the gym I go to is tame. Very few things going on. I do not stare but have looked. I do not stare, that is rude.

I am one of the old guys sitting naked. For me it is to let my body cool down from the long steam sauna heat and quick ice cold shower. I just sit quietly on my towel and watch TV and if a naked guy walks by I may look at him.

I know some guys fool around in the dry and or the steam saunas as well as else where. I am not there for sex. Is it wrong to look at a guy naked? I have been doing it since age five when my dad first took me to a men's locker room

By #201583 30,Jul,16 19:15
A few years ago I had an old guy that was meat gazing and must of seen my gay pride tattoo because he kept trying to enter my shower stall with a little chubby. Day after day. Finally I cancelled my membership. Another old guy would sit there completely naked on his towel and roll his balls with one hand while he talked to me. He looked just like Colonel Sanders with the body of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. Good Ole park district gyms.

By #516927 27,Jul,16 23:40
I'm sorry. But for those thinking that I have have the time/effort/energy to "make this up", kindly, piss off.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 11:25 other posts 
I don't think you're making it up, but I do think you enjoy showing yourself off, you enjoy the attention and you enjoy looking around at the other guys' dicks.

So, have you gotten a full on and standing up erection yet? Have you done any stroking? You could start a nice clique of jack off buddies at your gym.

By #454258 27,Jul,16 22:35
I get the strong feeling your making this up.

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