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New Comment Rating: 1 Similar topics: 1.Anal Fingering 2.Sticking your finger up her ass as you fuck 3.CUNT STORY 4.Dick Size Predictor 5.Ever finger fuck yourself? Comments: |
Usually she lays back, nude, legs wide. I start stroking her groins, the inside tops of her thighs and down between her legs. My fingers move up to her vagina lips and I stroke them methodically up and down, occasionally teasing her by going down between her legs. I kiss her tits at the same time.
When she gets hot and her juices start to flow I move my fingers into her vagina and start stroking and circling the peak of her clitoris till her orgasm explodes.
She squirms, thrusts her hips and kicks her legs. Her orgasm cry is most erotic sound I’ve ever heard. Then I hold my hand cupped over her mound while her afterglow throbs. Then when her eyes open and she reaches out to me I get on top of her and get my cock in and I give her another orgasm.
Sometimes I finger fuck her in other positions but that’s another story!
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I hope the Obersturmführer doesn't get upset for posting this.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
I actually mean: Obersturmbannführer
only registered users can see external links
But I'm sure you know what it means.
He is called "Bella!" and is operating under, what appears to be, a female form.
The proof of my claim lies in the Obersturmbannfűhrer's declaration: I am THE POLICE, he/she told me:
[deleted image]
"Self-Appointed Site Police":
"So, you can't live in peace":
The Nazi expression was Sieg Heil.
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds
Yes I'm being a dick again. What,s new...
If you **** this face. Your heartless.
"If you **** this face" What does this mean?
"Your heartless" I have no idea what My heartless is, let alone what it means.
l know leo loves a good fingering,
nearly as much as he loves my page *lix*
for Leo *lix*
[deleted image]
and finger fucking it
[deleted image]
(same cun't in both pics)
--------------------------------------- added after 24 seconds
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