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Started by #529736 [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 02:51
im totally straight. i love tits. but i recently meet a guy in a parking lot and let him blow me. was the best bj i ever had. anyone other straight guys ever let another guy blow him?

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By #535013 15,May,17 20:38
I'm not attracted to men, but I have taken bj's from them from time to time. To me, a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.
There are times I just need to get the job done and at that point don't care if it's a guy going down on me, it's about having my dick feel good, feeling wet and getting some attention.

By #511804 22,Feb,17 20:18
There are degrees of being bisexual, not always 50/50

I am bisexual and now mostly have sex with my wife. To me sex with a woman is more than physical, emotions have always been involved.

When I have had sex with males it has always been more physical like sports with no emotions. I had a FWB back in the 90s where we learned a lot during the 18 months we had sex. We were both inexperienced but lots of desires to test. He had to move, still fond memories. We never got emotional, family and wives are/were the priority.

I have had many female and males partners. Mostly female partners, and without a doubt the best blow jobs come from men.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 20:30 other posts 
You mention that you've had many partners, both male and female, with a heavier emphasis on females.

If you would be kind enough to indulge me, did you feel the same emotion and/or passion with your random female partners as you would with your spouse?
By #511804 23,Feb,17 21:22
Interesting question Bella. The simple answer is yes.

The details start with a painfully shy young man who never dated till very late years. Once started dating most girls began with the hope of passion. I fell in love with one at age 21. We worked together had some attractions but shortly after first time we had intercourse/penetration things fell apart. There were family and religion factors.

In early twenties most girls I dated were through friends and I was looking for a relationship. Most of the girls I met during this period we dated to see if any sparks happened and we had fun sex and enjoyed lust time together. All seemed happy with me and my package. We just did not have that spark if you know what I mean. I did not have any one night stands.

One night in a bar I asked a gorgeous woman for her phone number. This was first time did that. We dated, she moved in with me and lots of lust engaged. She really loved me or lusted. Both learned a lot from each other while having sex. We had high drives and liked experimenting.

We had the best sex of my life with this fine woman. BJ while driving a HD woman. But this time I had cold feet, she knew it and she moved out. I was not ready to settle down. We kept in touch after she moved out and it was not easy for either of us after two and a half year together. Having spent holidays with her family. A lot of fond memories and regrets.

Then onto sex, **** and rock and roll to party my regrets away. I went through a dry spell with ladies. I got my first real man blow job during this time frame. A one time in the hallway of an antique shop. It just of happened, I enjoyed it. Still depressed not thinking I would ever marry.

Then wham the flood gates opened and I was involved with four woman. They were all nice but none seemed the right type to settle down with. Then my wife picked me up in a bar. I was with three other ladies and a guy. She and I forgot the phone numbers. I went back the next week and she was there. We talked again all night and she wanted to **** with me and I said no.

She was 6 years younger attractive and we had some spark. I wanted our first time to be special. I asked her to dinner the following week. We went to dinner and then back to my flat where we had a lot of fun. A night to remember. Over thirty years later we are still together.

Since you asked.

By MM_DD [Ignore] 23,Feb,17 07:20 other posts 
Well, I'm totally gay, which for me means I'm very sexually attracted to men (not just their cocks but their bodies as well) and not sexually attracted to women. The thought of a woman touching me in a sexual way makes me very uncomfortable.

That being said, there are varying degrees of sexuality, and it can get a little (or a lot) confusing when someone self-identifies with one label but then acts out in a sexual way that might contradict that. Many gay men have had sex with women while they were closeted or sorting through their own sexuality. (I never did, but that's just me.) And there are LOTS of straight guys who will go to a gay (or bi) guy for a really good blowjob. I do believe these guys are genuinely straight because they are completely passive during the act and let the other guy do all the work. It would sort of be the equivalent of someone like me "letting" a woman give me a BJ...if I were actually comfortable with that. I think you can enjoy being the recipient of a good blowjob without necessarily being attracted to the cocksucker.

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