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Eurovision 2017

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by gradurgaur [Ignore] 21,Apr,17 17:28  other posts
Hello all and happy summer.
Glešilegt sumar Vinir.

I know is site about beauty of male and female parts but i wanted to ask you all if you have a fav eurovision song contest song of 2017

I love the song from Belgium called City lights by Blanche she has amasing voice and her song is very radio friendly song.

Here is the icelandic song entry for this year contest.

is Called Paper(Ég veit žaš į ķslensku)the singer is Svala and she is be in group 1 first semi finals

What do you think about the icelandic Entry and please share what song you like in the contest and maybe what song is your home country Entry for this year Eurovision 2017

Here is Svala song.

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By #493914 19,May,17 13:42
I think the best part was when the Australian guy doing a mooney on live TV
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 19,May,17 16:58 other posts 
he had very nice butt

By #485312 26,Apr,17 23:34
being an aussie, we have to back our competitor Isaiah Firebrace. *lix*
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 27,Apr,17 15:21 other posts 
Am so glad that Australia is in the eurovison

Australia have so manny good singers.

I loved last year entry from Australia demi she was amasing.

I do like this year song and it will do well in the contest in Ukraine but is not as strong as last year but he will be in the final for sure..

By #485312 27,Apr,17 18:13
yeah we have some great home grown talent here, k!ds start young and l love seeing k!ds at xmas singing and playing guitar at our local shopping centres, busking and doing it from the bottom up, they learn to entertain, and not just sing, they have personality and spunk *lix*
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 29,Apr,17 14:57 other posts 
Are Aussies Crazy about euro vision like we in iceland?
When eurovision is every one is in parties or have eurovision party and there is no cars in rvk while the contest is on
By #485312 29,Apr,17 16:44
no not that crazy, we've only just started in it, and its more an outlet for winners off tv shows to get an international audience, takes them to a bigger market.. we just love a competition here, we love backing underdogs, because we are small as a nation, we like to get our talent noticed on a world stage and is nice to be invited to these events even though we aren't in Europe *lix*
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 30,Apr,17 18:27 other posts 
In iceland is Crazy lot of home parties and everone is having lot of fun watching the contest
By #485312 30,Apr,17 21:40
sounds like our sporting grand finals, we don't mind chucking a snag on the Barbie for most public holidays, any excuse usually for a good piss up for sports and holidays, but not for singing competitions.. *lix*

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