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Gay guys... Answering questions for women..

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #550639 [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 01:52
Stop fucking answering questions for women.. There are to many of you fucking gay guys on the God damn Internet.. you ruin it for heterosexuals i swear.

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Similar topics: 1.Who loves Low hanging balls too?   2.women .. how do you deal with being bombarded with pms ?   3.Answers to forum questions   4.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway.   5.If the Title says girls.. answer.. Gay guys DONT FUCKING ANSWER...  

By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 09:33 other posts 
Yeah! You damn gay guys are messing up the internet for heterosexuals! There should be some kind of law that permits only 12 gay guys to be online at any time.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 10:07 other posts 
What damn gay guys are you referring to and just who do you think can moderate the internet for the 12 gay guys at a time limit, JustWill?

Here's what I think is an interesting little something, when I typed the word "gay", my dumbass SMART phone autocorrected it to "bay". The last few months I've been playing word games on my phone and found that I would not get credit for submitting the word "gay". Strangely, I would receive the dreaded red line signifying that I hadn't spelled the word correctly OR that I was not submitting a legitimate word. With all the new words being recognized and officially added to the "dictionary" each year, I would like to know when the word "gay" stopped meaning lighthearted and carefree?

Not only are you damn gay guys messing up the internet, you're messing up language, too!
By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 11:29 other posts 
Gay guys suck! (Most of them do it pretty damn well, too! )

By spermkiss [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 11:15 other posts 
Site administrator are you listening? This is a candidate for censure or removal.

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