The last days of April it's just an year when suddenly pass away our former member and very honorable man Mr.JohnS from Australia.
Dear JohnS, your legacy is not forgotten!
R.I.P. in Peace!
I'm shocked to learn off John's passing. We used to communicate via e mail as I shared in his love for Dachshunds and enjoyed learning more about his country.
When my e mails started coming back undelivered I realized something was wrong. Thank you very much for your friendship John. R.I.P. my friend.
I'm very sorry that I have had to pressed "ignore" for two of the worst commentators here, but please:
1. Nobody can't tell me who I have to love and how to appreciate my friends!
2. The dead JohnS was for me one very SMART man and very polite guy too.
3. To speak evil of a dead person is a lack of any morality!
4. Even in a very primitive culture is the Death of Taboo!!!
So sad to hear this news. Like all of us JohnS had his flaws but in my dealings with him he was always willing to listen to my point of view, even if he disagreed with me and was never anything but polite.
I. Just reading this now and am very sorry to see JohnS has passed on. I liked the man and he was always up front with me. Rest easy my friend. Thank you kmadeau for posting his info.
its only been a year since you realized your so called friend passed.... he must have been a solid rock of character when all he did was manipulate people
He had nothing and was an old man with regrets.
Its funny that its been a year and you ONLY just realized.
Must have been a rock and true friend in your realm.
This aussie was nothing but a down trodden piece of rotton human that manipulated all you followers. i have 100s of emails about you followers. So before we hear the man had another side.... his coin was tarnished on both sides and hated every single one of you ( so called mates ) he is judged now and will meet his maker... this thread is now null and void. Haters can contact me at or twitter @ #i dontgiveafuckthisthreadisboringnow
Thank you very much to all of members here
who were so kind and brave to say some nice words in Honor of John's Memory!
In this accousion I'd like to announce the "Amnesty" to all of members who were blacklisted here by me with exception of just one only.
One more thank you very much and God bless you all! --------------------------------------- added after 17 hours
PS: I'm very sorry to ignore some of John's Hatters here!!!
JohnS... fuck that arrogant twat. He was a total loser who was constantly getting above his station. A nosey cunt muscle that spent half his life scrapping gum off the movie seats...
"Really and truly we should never speak ill of ANYBODY.
If what we are saying is a lie, then that is the sin of calumny!
If what we are saying is true, but the other person has not possibility to hear it, then that is the sin of detraction - a VERY serious sin too!"
When my e mails started coming back undelivered I realized something was wrong. Thank you very much for your friendship John. R.I.P. my friend.
1. Nobody can't tell me who I have to love and how to appreciate my friends!
2. The dead JohnS was for me one very SMART man and very polite guy too.
3. To speak evil of a dead person is a lack of any morality!
4. Even in a very primitive culture is the Death of Taboo!!!
who were so kind and very brave to say some nice words in Honor of John's Memory!
In this accousion I'd like to announce the "Amnesty" to all of members who were blacklisted here by me with exception of just one only.
One more thank you very much and God bless you all!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Or did you purposely wear a welder’s mask when you saw his posts? Biggest hypocrite in Adelaide.
He had nothing and was an old man with regrets.
Its funny that its been a year and you ONLY just realized.
Must have been a rock and true friend in your realm.
This aussie was nothing but a down trodden piece of rotton human that manipulated all you followers. i have 100s of emails about you followers. So before we hear the man had another side.... his coin was tarnished on both sides and hated every single one of you ( so called mates ) he is judged now and will meet his maker... this thread is now null and void. Haters can contact me at or twitter @ #i dontgiveafuckthisthreadisboringnow
The kind of scummy rat that would shake yer hand and piss on yer foot at the same time....
Why is this whole rotten thread not in the dumpster?!!!
who were so kind and brave to say some nice words in Honor of John's Memory!
In this accousion I'd like to announce the "Amnesty" to all of members who were blacklisted here by me with exception of just one only.
One more thank you very much and God bless you all!
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours
PS: I'm very sorry to ignore some of John's Hatters here!!!
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--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Didn't know john s, sorry for the loss of any1
If what we are saying is a lie, then that is the sin of calumny!
If what we are saying is true, but the other person has not possibility to hear it, then that is the sin of detraction - a VERY serious sin too!"
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