| You want your dick to be famous?
I am looking for dick-pics. for a new (upcoming) board game expecting to be distributed all over the world (by time). So, if you want your dick to be become famous, this is a great chance for you:-)
I am looking for several different dick-pics for a new up-coming boardgame (played like picture lottery). Your dick can be small, big, straight, white, black, yellow, curvy, pierced, tattooed etc.- and it can be tired or happy! I am looking for all kinds of dicks, and every dick has a chance to become a part of the game😊
To become part of the game - and make your dick a star - do as follows:
1) Take a foto of your dick. The photo should only show your dick and balls - not your face and/or body. The photo must show your dick mostly from the front - a little from the side. The photo must be in a good quality (clear and good light).
2) Send the photo to: genitalroyale@hotmail.com no later than sep. 21.th. 2018.
Please be aware, that sending the photo means that you accept your dick-pic. to be used in the game.
I will select the most suitable photos from all the received photos. If your dick-pic. gets selected, you will - if you want to - receive a free game, when it is done. If you want to receive the game, please note your name and address in the email.
I am very much looking forward seeing all you lovely dick-picks.
Best regards
A. |
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