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Bi Curious

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by sd33lkng [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 11:40  other posts
I am bi curious. My only remotely "close" experience was when I was a teenager. The neighbor across the street asked if I wanted to see his cock and balls. His parents were not home. He pulled down his pants. He was further along in puberty and cock was bigger than mine and hess also had pubic hair whereas I only had a few starting to come in. I then pulled down my pants and we fondled each others cock and balls and that was it. Ever since have been curious to explore more. What is the best way for a first timer to meet someone?? My preference would be to meet someone who is also a first timer versus someone that is not. Just feel it would be less intimidating. Thoughts...

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By #535695 25,Dec,18 15:20
I had good luck on Doublelist and Adam 4 Adam

By #573046 25,Dec,18 13:24
I have found my first guy few days ago at the Internet. Local gay meeting site. I went to his home and he agreed sucking me and I gave him a handjob. We both enjoyed that.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 13:16 other posts 
You might think that think that meeting up with a first timer would be less intimidating but it also night be very, very awkward, too.

You say you are bi curious, have you ever thought what you think you might like to go down? To be the receiver of a blowjob? To bottom? To give a blowjob? To be the top? Just mutually jerk off? Do you want to give or get a hand job? If you go with a first timer, are you planning in advance how the meeting will go down so that each of you understands your part? Me, I think I would want to be with someone who has experience and just concentrate on enjoying the first time
By #535871 26,Sep,18 20:59
You are so right Bella...A little experience is a good thing for a first timer to go with .He doesn't have to be aggressive just understanding . My advise and my experience with my first time is to go with the flow ..don't plan all your moves ..just go with what feels natural and enjoy the experience .
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,18 21:46 other posts 
Thank you and thank you for using the "Reply" option. Yeah, there are benefits in doing anything with a seasoned person. Heck, I wouldn't want a first timer to teach me how to snow ski!
By #535871 26,Sep,18 21:56
too true Bella... I'm glad I chose my first carefully ..he had a little experience and kind of led me along a bit ..We went with the flow ..relaxed and had a great time
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,18 22:04 other posts 
I really can't imagine that two first timers coming together for THE FIRST TIME would have a mutually enjoyable experience. I might be wrong so if someone reads this and had their first time with another first timer, speak up!

By #564838 26,Sep,18 19:55
I was in your shoes about two years ago and it was difficult to finally take the leap. I'd be glad to share my experience or answer questions I'd you'd like. Send me a message.

By #567296 26,Sep,18 02:59
I'm in the same boat. Very curious but not 100% on what I might get into and concerned about finding the right guy. Definitely don't want some pushy, horny dude. Not sure about learning with another noob or an experienced guy would be best.

Maybe it'll happen...

By sd33lkng [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 13:33 other posts 
Bella - Thanks for the input.

I imagine the first time being "slow", mutually jerking off and giving/receiving a hand job, and maybe getting a blow job, then progressing from there once based on the experience.

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