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How old were u the first time u shaved your or someone else’s pubes?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by anonymus [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 19:03  other posts
Hi just curious, Ive never really thought about it before but I saw another discussion about shaving and got curious, i was 18-20 I think and just wondered if anyone shaved at any other age and whether or not that counts as starting late or early. Jus5 a friendly query no pressure have @ good day!

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Similar topics: 1.Pubes, what do you do with them?   2.To shave or not to shave?   3.Shaving my pubes   4.Show Your Pubes!   5.do you like your pubes shaved or hairy...why?  

By Raypark [Ignore] 08,Feb,19 23:01 other posts 
I was about 10 or 11 years old when I first was shaved by a friend. Apparently if you shaved, pubes would grow faster and thicker, lol. Have shaved entire pubes, balls and ass smooth most of the time or kept it trimmed very short since my late teens. Prefer the smooth feel, look and hygienic aspect, and hate flossing when eating pussy or sucking cock. After shaving several times and exfoliate, it doesn't itch or get ingrown hairs, just like shaving your face.

By #423426 06,Feb,19 10:05
Late starter at 41. I saw some shaved guys in a porn mag and found it very horny. My girlfriend at the time didn't really like it so I'd only shave my balls and trim the rest but luckily my new lady loves it. She'd never seen a totally smooth man before she met me and was really turned on by it. Never so much as stubble for 10 years now.

By pussyman [Ignore] 05,Feb,19 20:52 other posts 
Been shaving for over 20 years. Love being smooth. No rash or cuts.I'm so horny being smooth.

By littlegazg [Ignore] 05,Feb,19 15:52 other posts 
when they first started to grow for me - i was the first of my friends to get any. just started to shave my balls again - love the smooth feel

By #537181 01,Feb,19 09:57
I was 14 years old ,didnt have nmuch to begin with,so i shaced it and been doing it ever since

By #545468 28,Jan,19 22:40
I was about 17 when I first shaved my pubes. Been shaved ever since. The guy I was sleeping with wanted to shave and would only do it if I did as well. We both loved it. Feels so much better when sucking cock and when tanning nude.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 28,Jan,19 09:22 other posts 
I was about 16 or 17. I loved the smooth feel and masturbated right away. I did not like the itchy feel when my pubes were growing back though. This was the late 70's so it wasn't the norm then anyway. While I have occasionally shaved since I mostly have stayed hairy and like it that way. Men or women.

By #578258 27,Jan,19 20:34
I was around 16,when I shaved my pubes and ass for a first time.It was so nice to masturbate so I started shaving myself time to time.

By Ohioguy [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 23:48 other posts 
I was 27 when a girlfriend asked me to shave because I wanted her shaved. Have been doing ever since. I. Occasionally let it get a bit of growth but always keep it smooth or small patch.

By cockforcock [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 23:16 other posts 
I shaved for the first time when I was 13. I wanted my pubes to grow faster and get a bigger bush. a friend told me that the more you shave, the more they grow and I thought: that's whay I want. it never did. then I shaved again when I was 19 and it itched so much and I got a rash that took quite a long time to go away. never shaved again

By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 19:06 other posts 
I shaved mine once when I was about 20, but didn't like it, I let them grow right back. I'm a pube guy, I think they look great on girls and guys, but everyone has thier own opinion on that

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