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King and queen

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #275407 [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 01:22
What happened to the king and the queen of the site. Are we making changes again. Or is this a big secret

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Similar topics: 1.KING and QUEEN of the site   2.Can we get a new king?(or a queen like cum4steffi)   3.Who thinks the "king" should b voted in by registered members   4.Should their be a seperate "domination king" and a "syd king"   5.Is the new King worthy of that position?  

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Feb,19 20:54 other posts 
Bjuk has been boasting in chat that he is the King of site... Bjuka is obviously drinking heavily
By #275407 26,Feb,19 21:14
I thought Bjuk was the queen
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Feb,19 16:15 other posts 

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Feb,19 19:38 other posts 
You mean Bella?
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Feb,19 21:14 other posts 
Bella this Bella that Bella Bella Bella your still a dick head Leo
By #275407 26,Feb,19 21:15

By #559941 17,Feb,19 11:47
Isn't lushlips the queen?
By #569341 19,Feb,19 03:55
When did that happen?! Irrelevant anyway - a lame tag for a gamer’s game that means zilch
By #559941 19,Feb,19 08:07
Since points were important before main chat domination was the main platform. As soon as main chat was dismantled , points in value were no value actually and so was domination..
By #569341 19,Feb,19 16:58
Fair enough 👍

By #569341 17,Feb,19 03:18
King/Queen of the Dom Game shouldn’t still mean King/Queen Of The Site. Never should’ve. Us that have been around the site for a while know how this has been abused in the past - Mr Blue & Mi-Lips are not exploiters of this power though, they’re both quality people...and i know that Blue actually suffers from being a very moderate / kind / altruistic King.
A game should never’ve been how King/Queen of the site was decided. I don’t think we even need a King/Queen of the site (just my opinion)
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 04:01 other posts 
I don't really suffer...I always found it funny that it was called king/queen of the site when it was about the game.... it's the reward for being top of the was about creating exposure for that member...
I asked admin about this a long time ago-about putting something else in place of king/queen of the site...and how it should be king/queen of the Dom game,admin just said he didn't really know how to fill that space in a way he would like...
Now he has found it by putting the image bid game there...
Problem solved...
By #569341 17,Feb,19 05:24
That’s as silly as the Dom Game determining King/Queen. King/Queen should just be gone. There’s no fair “means/warrant test” to determine it
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 05:28 other posts 
Huh ? The king/queen has gone , it's the image bid game there now....
By #569341 17,Feb,19 05:36
? You still have a Crown on your page, mate. Best Image/Member is a joke; at least you actually have to do something for the Dom Game (i wouldn’t, but you need to put in work for that - Best Image/Member is a shit show)
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 05:52 other posts 
I actually think the image bid there is a better fit for the space... it's on most pages and highlights different members rather than just the king/queen.....maybe the image game itself needs tweaking ?
By #569341 17,Feb,19 05:57
I still think that no game should be the determinant of any title - you and I at least, just use it to publicise our newest pic. That’s all it’s worth--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutesDon’t want to argue with a friend over something so menial. As i originally said, you and Mi-Lips are rightful throne holders & i respect you both (: 👍🤝🥃
By #559941 17,Feb,19 10:09
There was a king here that in real life had a very tiny cock.. He was very oversensitive about this and used his power to intimidate people while photoshopping pics to make it look like he had a 15 inch cock... His photoshopping skills were so bad you could tell it was fake.. This was the KING of the site..
By #569341 18,Feb,19 03:06
I haven’t been back for that long, but Monted used to be the King (and he abused his power); then it was big9inch21 (who is def as big as his name suggests), now there is Mr Blue (whose picks are genuine). Who are you referring to GodZ?

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 12:58 other posts 
Don't panic cunt--- Bjuka is still the head girl... a true lass

By Robben [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 10:56 other posts 
Its healthy the ”hail” word is gone. And it seems to be fair how is now has been. For the moment at least

By t-rex [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 07:33 other posts 
Both outstanding people and deserve the title no matter what 👍

By #275407 17,Feb,19 02:19
I see, it's only shown on there pages so we can make room for the new game.

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