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Where are everyones points going

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #39761 [Ignore] 26,Feb,10 19:44
Today I uploaded a few photos of me and my G.f at it...like everyone else. when I come back on I find my selfs being deducted points and having half chopped of. I find this utterly disrespectful as i have never voted against anyone.

When having two pictures being shown on the main page and being dropped due to negativity is out of order and funnily enough am not the only person this is happening to. A few other whom lie in the same boat as me...having the best pictures they can produce, Open to everyone etc etc. Could someone email me if they are having the same problem!!!

We need to fight back

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Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

By #34255 28,Feb,10 20:52
Yeah man, someone's been doing that to me too... Voting against my pics as they get onto the main page. It's really sad more than anything... pathetic that some little-dicked asshole is so fucking jealous of others. My guess it must be some vip memeber or something cuz they must have a ton of points to pull it off. I thought he was singling me out but if it's happening to others, like you, he must have a huge stockpile of points.
Not sure what we can do about it though.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,Mar,10 21:05 other posts 
I've got a good idea who's doing it. Contact handheldguy1 for his comments.

By slipper [Ignore] 28,Feb,10 20:36 other posts 
You've had a lot of points deducted because you've no pix of your gf sucking MY cock!!!

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