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ENLIGHTENMENT to hatters , frustrated and negative people

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by notynyt [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 08:30  other posts
I don't have any personal relationship with anyone.
Ever since I registered this site for the first time, till today I have been abusing or trying to attack my profile for some consecutive years because I am an Indian. You can understand by checking my blacklist why they hate me so much. I have never given a single reply for so many years. Nor will I give it today. Those who love themselves can never hate others.
-:- And here in this site I often bump into people when I visit this site. I will meet in every page of this site. Like Polls, Excitement Meter, play ball, guess who, Big brother's house, true or lie, question of the day, king of mountain, Member Groups, Blogs, Discussion Forum, Top Member List, Abuse Panel and many other places I have been present. I keep enjoying every option. In these paths, some haters are found, don't know why they hate themselves, open their dirty mouth without knowing other members, or negative people who often take pleasure in negative voting or leaching others . Or they are frustrated with their own life. Those who show their frustration on others. I don't like giving anyone free advice on who should play what. But I share my experience. If you hate yourself, feel frustrated or have negative markings, you can make yourself feel more romantic and joyful by reading good books. or cooking, or gardening By commenting on others without knowing it, you only express the frustration, hate feeling of your personal life. I am sorry for such people, poor people do not enjoy life. They spend their precious time, money and mind on humiliating others instead they could have spent on themselves. You must have found such people also.

-:- You must have found such people also. You do not give them free advice, but you can share your personal experience for such people. Please enlighten them.
Thank you 💌🙏

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By #590421 18,Aug,21 11:32
By notynyt [Ignore] 20,Aug,21 07:11 other posts 
Thank you 💌

By #634216 19,Aug,21 05:38
I'm enjoying your chocolaty paradise.
By notynyt [Ignore] 20,Aug,21 07:11 other posts 
Hey sexy big hug

By mohshin69 [Ignore] 19,Aug,21 10:01 other posts 
sahi baat
By notynyt [Ignore] 20,Aug,21 07:10 other posts 
शुक्रिया , तुम बेहतर समझ सकती हो । 😘😎

By notynyt [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 08:35 other posts 
I think that poor people feel frustrated because they lack the sense of sexual pleasure. Please enlighten them a little .. 😋

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Show your Genitals