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What the hell happened to the site? The dicks vids section is full of females

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by dickisgreat [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 08:34  other posts
Don't know if it has something to with the abandonment of but when you go to the page for Dicks Videos maybe 1 in 5 videos is female. Does anyone know what's going on?

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By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 01:55 other posts 
Tell me where you are finding all these women vids, I want to see them.

By fozzieberra [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 12:06 other posts 
I checked it out and found 4 woman vids out of about 45 or 50 vids.

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 10:46 other posts 

I'm not sure that I'm seeing what you're seeing. When I switch to "Dick Videos", overall, my eyes spot 60 videos and my guess of those 60 videos, possibly 5 might be of women. My GUESS is that those 5 videos were uploaded incorrectly by the member.

See if you see what I see. /prswitch.php?trd
By routemaster [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 12:48 other posts 
I've also noticed that a lot more ladies are appearing on the Recent Comments section too than previously. Maybe there's been an influx of new hetero guys to this site, I've no objection as this site needs new guys joining all the time to keep it going, be they hetero or gay. However, I'm still not sure why it was felt necessary to change the name from Show Your Dick to Show It Off.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jun,23 15:25 other posts 
We are one UNIFIED site rather than two separate entities as reflected by the former monikers of SYD (SHOW YOUR DICK) and SYC (SHOW YOUR CUNT).

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