Some years ago I had a GF who loved to use the sauna. She had two sisters. My GF was 35, the sisters were 32 and 27. When You looked in te faces of these ladies, You could not have any doubt that they were sisters. But when we went to the sauna and the pool, they looked like strangers: My GF was quit tall and slim ... their boobs were different and mostly the pussies. My GF used to shave so that one could see everything, but the hairy or trimmend cunts of her sisters showed a totally different heavens gate with long pussy lips, different colours, and the youngest of the ladies had an astonishing big clit. If aroused, she might have been able to fuck a guy. I loved to go to the sauna with that trio.
I was dating a girl for a while back in high school. She had huge pussy lips. Once after some drinks here sister was passed out with short shorts on and one lip was hanging out. Huge like her sisters. So I’d say yes they are similar.
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