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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #48407 [Ignore] 05,Jun,10 16:47
First off, I don't have anything against gay or bisexual guys, so I'm not here to piss anyone off. I have friends that are openly gay. I have listed in my profile that I'm straight, so why do gay men still make comments like "I want to cum in your ass". I don't mind comments or chat from anybody, but be nice. If I say I'm straight...don't offer me a butt fuck.

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Similar topics: 1.To ban or not to ban anonymous ______ to comment on ur pics?   2.misleading profiles   3.Profiles with no pics   4.How many actually read profiles before sendind a message?   5.Recommend A site like this with more Women?  

By #68656 26,May,11 10:48
One of the best and most effective ways to ascertain the type of person and comments a member requires to contact them is to read their "member`s recent comments" page.
That will tell you all you need to know about them, as well as being an indicator as to their intellect and values.
By #34386 26,May,11 19:16
Well dont know if all but think you are right that give you a good idea of how behave in general in the site at least

By #34386 26,May,11 13:03
I appreciatte every comment, dont any problem at all. Find it good and arousing that someone like what they see be men or women. otherwise dont see the point in posting pics in the first place

By #53643 06,Jun,10 00:39
I am very flattered to recieve comments from any guy (or girl) That you recieve comments from gay guys, is that such a terrible thing? I know youre aware that being here on SYD will mean being admired by any and all, even gays....OMG.
Accept the comment graciously. If you feel that strongly, send a PM, saying thanks, not my thing etc.
By #96269 26,May,11 10:31
I agree... a compliment is a compliment!
I've been hit on by gay guys and don't find it offensive at all.

By hytiger [Ignore] 05,Jun,10 20:31 other posts 
In a recent site update all profiles were changed to straight, & the "main goal" bit was added.
Have you considered that some of your "that pussy needs my tongue" comments might therefore be to gay women?

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