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White powder and having sex after taking it.........Comments please!!!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #22384 [Ignore] 02,Jul,10 16:23
Has anyone ever takin what my friend group like to call "CHARLIE", and jack off or have sex, it is amazing, you fuck for so long and you have a hard on that seems too last for ever, or am I the only one?, and what I find even more fun is just rubbing a bit of it on your cock head!!!!!

If anyone out there has done the same as me, or thought of doin it, please leave me a message or comment, would be gr8 to hear other guys stories..!!!

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By #28707 02,Jul,10 17:21
I meant, of course, to say "without" taking drugs.
By #22384 02,Jul,10 20:49
Sorry if this offends anyone, I just think that if we can show each other our dicks, that we can share how we enjoy self pleasure, I do not need drugs to enjoy sex. We live in a time of free speech and SYD is an anonymous web site where men and woman can ask questions and be bold enough to post topics of any nature, without being judged!!

Thanks for the comment though, and may we all live in peace and harmony, as we are all individuals.

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