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Bi curious!?!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #8837 [Ignore] 28,Apr,09 12:47
If you like looking at other men's dicks, are you curious? Or have you made a decision that you would like to take the next step?

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Similar topics: 1.Curious in watching..   2.I'm new to this   3.Bi curious? is a stupid term   5.Bi_Curious  

By smokieb69 [Ignore] 09,Aug,16 11:13 other posts 
Yip, I am curious but never really done anything. I have jerked off with other guys on a nude beach twice and come. Touched myself while guys watched in the sauna at gym twice. Twice let another guy touch my cock - once in sauna and once at night around fire. Could have gone further all of these times but chickened out- guess I am pulling out due to a few factors - disease, getting found out, cheating on my wife. But I do fantasize about it alot

By #232059 07,Aug,16 17:07
I'm also the same...I'm straight,i love the womans....but fantasize many time on a huge big goodlooking nice cock....for playing....but NO such luck yet...
By #486048 07,Aug,16 17:20
the same here as well would be nice.
By smcock [Ignore] 07,Aug,16 22:28 other posts 
I'm right there along with you would like to try and this me being on the receiving end of course

By #13723 18,May,09 14:41
I'm curious and I'd try it if I knew my career and family would never find out.
By love-penis [Ignore] 18,May,09 16:59 other posts 
I hear ya rsmyth6969

By love-penis [Ignore] 17,May,09 10:11 other posts 
loved everyones comments, thx Pax

By love-penis [Ignore] 17,May,09 10:07 other posts 
I've had one sexual encounter w/another man 20yrs ago, it was oral only, and i have to say it was one of the BEST blow jobs i ever got, i did suck on his dick and it was a great feel'n, niether one of us came tho, think i was to scared, that's why i didn't cum, anyway i do love look'n at mens cock pics, the male cock is a sexy thing, i would love 2 and hope2 some day 2 do it again, i want to taste a mans cock & cum in my mouth, but this is a very secret life 4me

By #10026 16,May,09 20:49
I reckon if I ever split up with my other half, I would take the next step.

By #6437 16,May,09 06:22
i was curious and took the next step and sucked a cock mmmmmmmmmmmm now i want cock more that pussy

By #7346 29,Apr,09 22:51
mb40 is the closest to the truth, all men and women are by nature curious and will, if not shamed at an early age, engage in sexual "play" with members of the same gender. societal pressure and 2,000 years of religious perversion keep most from admitting it even to themselves. earlier civilizations like the greeks and those who preceded them had little or no hesitation engaging in same sex "play". the roman ban on homosexuality was based on keeping order in the legions not on morality.

american culture or what passes for culture here, based as it is on puritanical religious groups who contrary to popular belief did not come to the new world for religious freedom but were in fact run out of eruope because they were so narrow minded and harsh no one wanted them around, has colored anything sexual with a scarlet brush. thus if you admit your interested your branded as a fag, or worse.

if it was a natural thing to fear same gender "play" little boys would not go behind the barn to see who can pee farther and little girls would not tickle each others button on sleep overs, there would be a natural revulsion which would prevent such a thing. it could then be said same gender "play" is a perversion. how ever there would appear that no such "natural aversion" exists as any one who has been a kid or has had kids will, if truthful, tell you.

as for taking the next step goes, I detest the sham of religion and all its twisted crap and I know who and what I am and have no fear that my dick is going to fall off or that I will spend eternity in hell, so why miss out on the enjoyment. but bear in mind some sexual practices are not purely sexual, some are domination games played for the same reasons the church plays them, to place your self over someone else. that is perversion.
By boy [Ignore] 15,May,09 19:34 other posts 
I can only agree to what "smuggler" said above. Without any pressure from society or church human sexuality would not strictly be limited to the opposite gender. If you have been brought up in a free and liberal environment you might, under certain circumstances, be attracted by both sexes. I even believe that those people who claim they are completely straight are just not open enough to confess that they might also be curious. Whether you are really courageous enough to take the next step is a question that depends on the situation and everybody has to decide themselves. Have fun!

By sailor [Ignore] 12,May,09 22:56 other posts 
something I have been wondering about also. I've been around awhile, and slowly getting curious. Wondered how many guys actuually took the next step. And how safe is it.And if they did it for the first time like at my age 60's, what they thought.

By #7976 28,Apr,09 20:33
Neither of the above. I have no problem looking at the human body and male organs are part of the equation. I am totally straight, am not bi, and have nothing more than a fantasy or two towards doing anything homosexually with anyone.

By Olddude [Ignore] 28,Apr,09 15:40 other posts 
I think more guys are more curious than they are willing to admit. I've thought about it, but finding the right person. Some one who is willing to admit they feel the same way. Also, as Sailor says,who is safe!

By sailor [Ignore] 28,Apr,09 14:42 other posts 
Don't know if I would do it either. But when i know how good it feels to get my dick sucked, it must be pretty exciting to do it someone else.
Big problem though, how do you know who is safe?

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