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Do you pump

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #2924 [Ignore] 06,Jan,09 16:29
I'm interested to know if there are other pumpers on this site. I love doing it. What are your experiences? How ofeten and how long do you do it?

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Similar topics: 1.>>>Who uses a Penis Pump, and how good are they?<<<   2.Penis pump effect   3.penis pump?   4.I'm thinking about getting a pussy/clit/nipple pump.   5.Vacuum pump recomendations , looking for a good well built pump  

By #136427 11,Sep,14 12:32
After my recent cock ring nightmare i strongly advise against any of this. My dick hurt for almost 2 weeks and still is only 90 percent back to normal...
By #70814 18,Sep,14 11:44
what happened ?
By #136427 21,Sep,14 22:06
Wore a cock ring that went around my dick and balls, beat off like a god. Shot cum all over. The next day my dick was all hurting. Had a hard knotty vein lime thing up the middle and my testicles felt li,e i was kicked. That started on the 6th of sept. It is better hard notty vein thing is half gone, and my balls just tingle now no longer feel like i got kicked. I go to the dr. On tues... for a check yp going to have to have them take a look...

By #264686 19,Sep,14 22:30
I have, lot of time and effort. So if you have the time it can be fun!

By #172995 19,Sep,14 20:25
Regular exercise with a penis pump enhances the flow of **** in my penis. It helps me to have firmer natural erections.

By #468537 17,Sep,14 10:42
[deleted image]
Yup I Pump. But only the balls.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

[deleted image]
Ball pumping only
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

[deleted image]
bigger balls
--------------------------------------- added after 24 hours

[deleted image]
Ball pumping

By bigone21 [Ignore] 08,Sep,14 17:22 other posts 
i like to play around with it, but that's what it is: play!

but hey: play is fun!

and when my dickhead gets in the valve, it's end of play, haha! next play!

By #23212 14,Sep,14 02:30

By #311947 01,Sep,14 11:50
Ive used pumps on occasion. I just like the sensation. Especially when my ass is being stimulated and probed.

By #468537 01,Sep,14 10:41
I pump my Balls only. Love it when they get to over 10" circumference.
Working on low hangers. Pumping balls seems counter productive as bigger sac makes them look not as low. Still love the feel be great to have big low hangers someday.

By pump75 [Ignore] 30,Aug,14 10:52 other posts 
I do…

By #268591 21,Jul,13 06:16
well i have used pumps over the years and thought they were rubbish , but recently i saw an ad for the hydromax , and i thought why not , so i bought one ,and i have to say that not only does it feel great on but it has made my dick slightly thicker and a little bit longer ,, the increase does not last all day but it does last for a few hours . i have just begun to use it so who knows , and its a great passtime in the bath

By slipper [Ignore] 19,Jan,10 21:21 other posts 
I inflate (my skin); does that count?

By Thumper52 [Ignore] 19,Jan,10 18:45 other posts 
Not to put my finger in their eyes, but I'm amazed at some of the "closed" attitudes of some men I read about on this site.

Jez, you are on a "Show your Dick" site. Don't act so damn prudish.

Pumping can be great fun and good "me" time. Sometimes, my cock and balls swell up and it feels great for me and my sex partners enjoy playing with it too.

HELL! We all enjoy a little variety. That's why were on this site. Lighten up!

Certainly, pumping up my cock and balls stimulates my erotic nature and sensitivity. Sometimes it all I can do to hold back shooting a load when I pull my long fat cock out of the cylinder.

Don't do anything to extreme!

If you fuck 3 times a day everyday, your dick might fall off, too.

But if you pump your cock and balls a couple times a week and use some comman sense, there is no harm there.

Guys, lighten up and enjoy feeling erotic and sexy. Sometimes toys help us with that and sometimes we get a very generous sex partner who makes us feel erotic and fulfilled.

Enjoy what ever you do. Life is too short to be hung up on labels and society's expectatons.


By #38932 22,Dec,09 17:40
No offense, but you have to be pretty gullible to actually believe that a pump will make your dick bigger...

By sailor [Ignore] 22,Dec,09 13:23 other posts 
I just started using one, per my docs recommendation. I just had prostate surgery. Three months now since surgery. I thinks the main idea was so my penis did not get atrophy.(if that is the correct thing to say). It does get me hard and the tension rings keep me there. Although, i tried intercourse for the first time since the operation, by the time I got on top my penis started losing its rigidity.
For me it may be a time thing, or I'm just getting old enough that it is not going to stay hard. I have sensation, so I can climax ( dry now).
I don't think it will make you permanently bigger. I can get up to almost 8" under vacuum. But take the vacuum away and I am back down to 6 1/4", and take the rings away and --- i don't want to talk about it.
I guess for the time being it gives me some king of hope.
My wife , I am so lucky to have, is very patient and helpful in trying to help also
My wife kinds likes the idea of dry cumming, no mess. And since my operation her headaches have went away.
Will let you know of any future progress, or no progress.

By nylonlover [Ignore] 16,Mar,09 16:32 other posts 
I love to use pumps.
See my pics.

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