| This site is cool an' all but I know there's next to no chance of my connecting with anyone on here. I'm married and just not getting what I need at home, plus I also want to indulge in my bi side so I done went and did it...started checking out the craigslist personals. After a few weeks, nothing intriguing has developed on the female side but there were a couple of bi ads that caught my attention. I've never done anything like that before but after much hesitation, I finally responded to both. I responded, thinking that surely neither would be interested but now I'm getting cold feet and almost hope I don't hear back from either one. I've never had sex with anyone that I hadn't known for quite a long time so this whole personal ad thing and having sex with "strangers", is kinda' spooky. Is it just me or have any of you been in the same situation? |
Another possibility is a gay bar. Look them up on the internet and go to one. While most men are there to hook up for sex, you can socialize and get to know some men.
What I wouldn't advise is doing nothing. Your interest in man-on-man sex isn't going to go away, no matter how deeply you try to bury it, and it could drive you to risky things. One of the most notorious recent cases was Senator Larry Craig who was arrested for soliciting sex in a restroom. Don't let this happen to you.
Send me a Private Message if you want to discuss this or anything else.
All the best!!! And, do let us know what you decide and how it goes.
Would you do it if you had the opportunity?
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