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Help please...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Sharkie [Ignore] 03,Sep,10 05:33  other posts
This has probably been asked before, but can anyone help me with directions to place a pic as an comment in the comment box when replying to someones post, not just the link. I just can't seem to figure it out by myself.

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By #6568 03,Sep,10 07:50
Go to the pic you want,.....look below the pic and you will see 3 'buttons', one of which is 'show it in blog or forums', click this and choose 'UBB code for most of forums'...RIGHT CLICK this and then click 'copy'. The pic is now copied onto your computers clipboard. Now place the cursor on the right place in your post and press 'Ctrl c'.......the pics code will be 'pasted' to that place in your post and once you have completed the post and entered it, the code becomes the pic.
By Sharkie [Ignore] 03,Sep,10 08:17 other posts 
At last... thank you very much!

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