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Size Queens!!!!!!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #86999 [Ignore] 04,Sep,10 21:10
One thing I cannot stand are the bloody size queen's on this website!!!! They pay out the blokes with the decent sized cocks. Reality check for these women. Get over yourself. Most men in the world's population have average sized cocks between 5 inches to 6.5 inches long (me being 6.5 inches).

Maybe if they weren't so hung up (excuse the pun) trying to find huge cocks which is in the minority, they'd be getting a lot more sex.

Lets see who agrees with this. Men and women are both welcome to answer this blog.

Cheers ET81

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Similar topics: 1.Any size queens on this site?   2.Closet Queen & Size Queens   3.Are most gay/bi guys size queens?   4.Size Queens bashing!!!   5.would my cock satisfy size queen?  

By #485312 12,May,15 12:23
stop breeding them so small, if you have a little dick, don't pass on your mini genes, leave it to the big ones to populate the earth with dicks we really want, sperm banks should just use big cocked men...that's my opinion and lm sorry if it offends *lix*
By small_dik [Ignore] 14,May,15 00:57 other posts 
So what if a small dick guy discovers the cure for cancer, should he not pass on his genes?
By #23212 14,May,15 01:38
And then, of course, all those big dick men will have only the allowed thin, tight breasted women to breed with.

But what about a small dick guy who can easily lick his eyebrows?
By small_dik [Ignore] 15,May,15 03:02 other posts 
exactly, the big dick guys will say, "No fat chicks!" so don't pass on your obesity genes.

when will it end?
By Fritz [Ignore] 19,May,15 11:03 other posts 
I fully agree with you - why spreading the wrong genes? Most big dicks "live" in Africa, and that is also the place where they love fat women. It is a successfull continent and human race, so you could help spread their genes to the rest of the World
--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours

Hope you understand that this is irony

By #4222 20,Feb,13 18:37
I think the internet has now normalized "average" as being 8". In the net world, anything less than 8 has to be pretty spectacular to gather any interest at all.
By #301038 21,Feb,13 07:50
Internet idealized perfect looking women, so what average looking women got to do with themselves?
By #4222 21,Feb,13 11:56
According to your blog, while you did not specify size exactly, you mentioned it in the list as something important on a man and I agree--there's a minimum size which I would just say let's skip it. How small could your man's cock be to satisfy you? My contemporaries--some real, some internet--snicker at anything less than 8". That's been my experience, hence the comment. Not everyone will experience that.

And women were idealized WAY before the internet. Since the printing press was invented women have been stylized into a certain image and not necessarily realistically.
By #301038 21,Feb,13 18:30
my husband is 6.5 - 7 inches depending on how excited he is, and I'm perfectly happy with his size. I had dicks up to 9.5 inches, but it hurts my pussy if fucked every day... his size is perfect for me, for everyday use.

If it's less than 5 inches... I'd rather have anal with it...

I'm WAY too fat to be anywhere near a perfect woman, plus, I'm tall and most men would feel intimidated by my size. But I don't give a fuck about most men, just the 1 I love !
By #204766 19,May,15 08:41
Fat? Oh no no no you are not fat at all you look great

By boc [Ignore] 15,May,15 07:33 other posts 
I like size queens.

By #481583 14,May,15 07:56
I'm sorry if you're small. It's not my fault your small nor my fault I'm big. That's life. Get over it.

By #316057 14,May,15 03:18
I see Why

By #337870 23,Feb,13 18:39
Fortunately for us teeny-weeny guys, there are some rare, special small-size queens who like to play with the little "cute" ones

[deleted image]
By small_dik [Ignore] 25,Oct,14 20:34 other posts 
Mrs Palmer and her four daughters you mean?

By Beercan10 [Ignore] 23,Feb,13 15:09 other posts 
I think sizequeens are great!!! There is no reason why a woman can't have standards just like a man. If I were a woman, If I can't have the sex I want, then I wont have sex at ALL. Remember ladies....just because standards are low doesn't mean YOU have to lower your standards.
I'm puttin it down
By #301038 23,Feb,13 21:33
Well said!
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Oct,14 23:47 other posts 
Peach! 😏

By johnp [Ignore] 23,Oct,14 23:46 other posts 
Size queens r hawt

By nekekal [Ignore] 22,Feb,13 18:10 other posts 
I am bigger than average, and no one has been beating down my door to get fucked. Most that have seen it decided to suck it rather than to fuck it. I wish I could find some of the size queens. I don't think most women would recognize 8 inches if they saw it. And most could not get it inside of them either.

By #81191 05,Sep,10 04:34
Size has been a fascination with both sexes for centuries and men never fail to take a peep at others in changing rooms. There is a 12in club in California run by women who measure your dick before being accepted. No hiding it though if you get hard wearing shorts
By #124665 22,Feb,13 05:07
Yeah because 12'' cocks are just rampant in this world. They are all just being hidden by this "club". Fantasy land..

By bigone21 [Ignore] 21,Feb,13 12:59 other posts 
Why do you want the press the fact that you yourself (6.5 inches) are into the upper scale of the average sized cocks (according to yourself 5 to 6,5 inches)?

Would you have a problem with (quote) "the bloody size queens on this website", if you had 8 inches yourself?

I think you are "hung up" (excuse the pun) about size yourself..!

By #92909 01,Nov,10 13:27
SoCloseToAPussy is a size queen...
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 21,Feb,13 06:36 other posts 

By #32325 05,Sep,10 05:37
mine is over 7" but i wish i still had my foreskin

By #6568 05,Sep,10 03:50
Remember that this site is largely used to fuel fantasies, so people coem here to lust over what they assume is 'extra' sexual and that translates to 'size' in many peoples perceptions........

........Real experinces, as we know, can be rather different.

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