Yes it is wow you where quick!! This is a pic that isn't visited that much and has been posted a while back. It is also a close up so I thought less recognisable
How come you knew so quick?
May I please suggest, in order to keep this game moving and to keep people's interest in it, if no one can guess who the pic is from, after perhaps 3-4 days, like has happened here with the second pic, that you just go on to the third one, and so on. That is, establish a maximum time for guessing, before moving on to the next pic.
Actually, I think not. With admin's permission, it helps him repost, ie. 'copy' someone's own photo (with their permission) under a different screen name, for anonymity purposes for this contest.
as you noticed we have two winners last trials
so i need to send two gifts to those lovely winners ...
and i say to them Congratulations ...
Now i posted new pic to try to guess it and win a gift
the pic No. 13 is ...
[deleted image]
so you need to guess who has this pic to win and receive a gift
hope you spent a fun time....
Good Luck
As fila_1305 has won the last one ... congratulations to fila_1305
so there is a new pic...which belongs to one of our game participation whom approved to share us their pic....
the pic No.11
[deleted image]
Good luck...
Unlucky we didn't have any winner for the last pic for more 3 days ... we must post new one to guess it...
the new pic is No. 10
[deleted image]
so Who has this pic...????
i hope it's easier to guess this time...
have a good luck
as we haven't any winner for the last pic so we'll post nu pic ... - so i kept some point for the next winner... -
but the nu one will be to reply a lot of requests and messages to join female pix in this guess game...
and i hope may be that encourage the other females member to share us their public pix and add more interesting and more funny to our game....
so the nu hot pix for the three next day is ...
pic No. 7....
have a good luck and have more fun...
How come you knew so quick?
We have now new pic....
try to find the owner of this pic....
[deleted image]
GoOd LuCk...
one day remained...
This is the last chance and there will be a nu pix......
now try to guess or new pix...which it is....pic No. 4
[deleted image]
Good luck my friends...
here is the second pic...
[deleted image]
there is a second pic to guess who has this pic
[deleted image]
try for the second pic...
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